
Zach Galifinakis on why he wont have him on between two ferns - “He’s the kind of guy who likes attention — bad attention or good attention. So you’re dealing with a psychosis there that’s a little weird.”

Ironic how this seems like a “hawt take” from someone acting like comedy doesn’t take many shapes and forms and different things can be funny to different people in different ways, for different reasons, and on different levels.

“And has such a fine, academic way to use his arguments.” Loved it.

As opposed to Trump, who’s uninformed, but mostly just repeats what the voices in his head say. Sorry, what “people” tell him.

He’s like a reality show villain only without the show.

The things he was saying were in fact racist. Therefore he’s racist.

Okay, champ.

Milo is white supremacist and a self-loathing homophobe. He is a piece of shit who was banned from Twitter for sending a horde of racists at Leslie.

It’s not like anyone is saying he doesn’t have the right to do it. It’s just that this is significant news. He’s trying to shape the political debate in this country in some way. That’s worth reporting on. And a lot of people are going to care.

It’s likely due to:

Ya know, i was never aware of this Milo Yiannopoulos guy till youtube suggested me one of his videos. My goodness he’s a terrible human being.

Original Armor Wars he took out the Guardsmen, the at the time Captain was not happy.

There was also Operation: Galactic Storm, which culminated with a group of heroes - led by Iron Man - who go execute the Supreme Intelligence with Cap and others vehemently against it.

It started with this incident in Armor Wars. Read that trade to know why. And for Cap’s side, get The Captain trade:

I feel confident in saying they’ve contrasted Iron Man’s pragmatism versus Cap’s idealism over the years. Yeah, Civil War wasn’t a great take, but I think that’s one of the places the movies have done a better take on it (the advantage of being able to leave out decades of bad writing.)

At least with the Superhero Registration Act, the big appeal was about two long-time friends coming to blows over beliefs they’d both strongly held for years

You can always update the article and while you’re at it retitle it “games fucking Nintendo should fucking put in the fucking virtual store” 😝

If you want a list that includes everything everyone ever thought was remotely good on GameCube, go look at metacritic.

I very nearly put ikaruga on there, but does it really deserve it? I can’t remember it adding much over the dreamcast game (whereas skies or arcadia was a more enhanced port)

You forgot Ikaruga. The lack of Smash Bros. is egregious.