
Is it necessary to level up, though? Hmm. You said you finished the main story, I guess you’re referring to your sibling, right? So you haven’t tracked down the father figure yet.

Wow, you’re STILL upset by my opinion about a crappy video game? Have you considered therapy?

I could be wrong, but I’m pretty certain Y0 allows for saving anywhere. I’ve only been playing on PC (after playing Y1 back on Ps2) and Y3 is the first game I can remember bringing the awful phone booth saves back.

I booted up 3 on PC today and it is ROUGH. Wonky camera, wonky running, goddamn saving only at phone booths.

Grinding to level up is not Valhalla’s issue. The issue is it funnels you through each region one by one. The main quests in each region level you up enough for the next one. It’s just that this boring succession of boring regions and forgettable characters is a slog.

I disagree with you on Valhalla, but agree completely on Death Stranding and Witcher 3. Death Stranding took me 40-45, and I gave up on Witcher 3 after 20.

I found hunting down cultists to be the most engaging part. Also, since I didn’t look up the clue about the leader, I was pretty surprised when the identity was revealed.

Valhalla isn’t too long, it’s too repetitive.

Bro, you waited three days and you’re still upset by my opinion of a crappy game? Holy shit!

Waiting for a second Castlevania collection of all the great handheld titles.

If Final Fantasy XV was just a collection of disparate adventures glued together by a story about the bonds of friendship it would go down as an all-time great.”

That’s a lot of words to say “yes” to my question. I’m sorry I hurt you with my opinion, skippy.

What’s an example of what? I said the election is next year.

Counterpoint: all of what you said is true, and the speedrunners are still impressive.

Um, the election is next year.

Finally! The (almost) rest of the Yakuza series!

I haven’t caught up on the IIDX scene in a decade, but his work was featured pretty prominently in the series around the time iFuturelist came out.

I’m not criticizing that it’s set in the open world. I’m criticizing the fact that many chapters aren’t.

I’m in Chapter three of 14.”

Aw no, I hope that’s not true. I’m waiting on that game to drop in price.