
Uhhhhhh . . . you can undo anything if you save often enough (and even then, there are auto saves aplenty). Are you only playing on the hardest difficulty or something?

The way to get it spelled out to the players who are more about blazing through as quick as possible on levels and aren’t going to take the time to go hunting”

Maybe you’ll stop hating people with dark skin.

Opinions can’t be “right” or “wrong.” Are you five years old? Did my criticism of a video game hurt you?

Ugh, nobody should be forced to play through this game to the end.

Imagine if it didn’t use a familiar song people already associate with feelings and connotations, and if it had a track list that could stand on its own. You know, the way Final Fantasy games used to.

Not sure what game you’re referring to. It sounds like Ocarina of Time, where you’re constantly being yelled at by Navi. Or maybe Skyward Sword. Maybe you’re just happy it was the first Zelda game you could play without being yelled at?

This is an argumentum ad populum fallacy. It doesn’t matter how many people believe one thing or another. Do you understand what opinions are?

BotW was . . . fine? But exploration is how I play all open-world games. I guess it was a “breath of wild air” to people who were funneled into playing it that way for the first time.

Here’s the problem.

I bought Hitman 2 on steam a year after it was released, got the full game (not the “gold” version of whatever that is) for $20. It should be less than that by now, at least when there’s a sale. In any case, the game you want shouldn’t cost you more than $20.

The game isn’t about getting from point A or point B. It’s intentionally designed for you to learn the areas and your surroundings, so that you replay them differently and accomplish different objectives each time. Your first playthrough of any mission should be a casual attempt at fucking around and seeing what

Hitman 2 is especially worth it if you already own Hitman 1. All the content of that game is imported into the sequel (although, in my case not my save file, but that was a good excuse to replay all the good stuff), and items you unlock carry over into any mission in either game.


See you around, racist.

Since when do people get banned for calling out racists? I thought all websites had this great conspiracy against racists like yourself.

The Playstation naming system is pretty boring . . . but you know exactly what you’re getting. In the naming alone, you know there’s a world of difference between a PS2, PS3, PS4, and PS5.

I waited a year until Hitman 2 was $20 on steam. Guess that’s happening again this time.

Hey dude, I haven’t seen your racist comments in a while. How are you coping with the MAGA collapse and violent coup attempt?

If it’s something I’m 100% committed to before going in, I don’t want spoilers.