“Telling it like it is and making people hear hard truths is very out of style”
“Telling it like it is and making people hear hard truths is very out of style”
Yeah, imagine being enthusiastic for a politician who holds people accountable and isn’t beholden to big business interests. How cringey.
Does the notion that it’s not offend you?
To give the kid a little bit of credit for an argument he didn’t even make, typical scumbag politicians doing non-political things are still usually terrible.
That’s kind of tame compared to the usual Fox fearmongering.
“I’m absolutely sick and tired of politics right now, and Twitch is one of the places I go to escape it all.”
She’s playing on her own time and on her own dime, unlike the guy whose golf outings are literally costing taxpayers millions.
Manbabies: Video games should be taken seriously!
Yeah . . . I go through this, every few years get a hankering go back to Picross, on whatever system, maybe every system, and all my free time just goes *POOF*
Toxic manbabies: Video games should be taken seriously!
I mean, I’m currently playing through Wildlands’s Ghost Mode, meaning permadeath, meaning if you die (and nobody is around to revive you), your save file is deleted.
“No matter who was in charge of that movie, it seems likely that a sad, bitter old Luke who redeemed himself and died would have been a likely part of it.”
“inferior to its progenitor by every objective metric”
I mean, there’s plenty to hate about it: it’s all reused assets, the story is about as deep as a Resident Evil story, it’s kind of ugly despite the Fox Engine shine, and all the Kojima politics.
You should, seriously, try Metal Gear Survive. Konami cared enough to give us a game that may use recycled assets but is a genuinely fun game with a worthwhile system in itself, and with lots of Konami fan service in the form of classic game soundstracks and costumes.
I mean, it’s Metal Gear. War never ends, even if there are no nukes in the year 1984.
Hope for . . .?
I’m not being facetious when I recommend you give Survive a try. It’s basically Resident Evil with Metal Gear controls, but it’s a tightly paced and rewarding game. Make sure you get it for no more than $10 though.
How about out of pure factualism?
I’m just curious and have a question for you. I originally played the game on PS3, and bought it again when I got a PC the following year, and I find the PC version superior for a number of reasons. Do you play the PS3 version because it’s the only one you own, or for some other reason?