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    I don't get to buy cars often so I can't say I have any missed opportunities. Not yet anyway. I do have my Wrangler which I have worked to keep. Lately I've been itching to set it free, but I keep backing away. I have a feeling I would regret it. It's a complete heap but I love it all the same.

    @Daft.Vader: The pancreatic cancer he had a few years ago. It's a very common side effect of that particular cancer to see future liver complications.

    Anybody else suddenly in the mood for some vintage Woody Allen films?

    C'mon. No one with a friggin' clue is expecting that sort of return out of the chute on this IPO. The government owns a 60% interest in the company. There's no way they'd dump that instantly even at that premium as no one would be buying in that big of a bulk, even other institutionals. GM might buy some of it back

    @Jeremiah4: Agree almost 100%. My only quibble is that the direct injection isn't there yet on the new 6 cylinder. Boffins in the know don't have a timetable for it. Sadly.

    @grzydj: I had no idea Hammond started.

    Hey! Hammond's wearing my shirt!

    Not a clue. I just put mine on according to the labeling as to which rotor was which. I defer to RTFM.

    @Baby Beater Benz: A Fiat oil burner targeted for Wranglers is in progress for US approval according to Allpar. I'd hope that has this beast in mind as well.

    Hang on a minute. I see the guy at the end there put the radiator back on I think. But there's a lack of fluids....I suspect some cut corners here.

    Until Swype becomes generally available, I'd recommend trying out Swiftkey. Very spiffy. You may never even find a need to go to Swype after using it.

    From here on out, if I hear any old codger bitch about how bad cars are compared to the olden days, I will show them this clip then brain them with polyglas tire. And jebus christmas that thing was friggin' safety hazard. Where the hell was Ralph Nader?

    Somewhere my grandfather is feeling severe lust at that paneling behind the host.

    @mantaTM: I bet some of those Egyptian roads are in better shape than Woodward appears to be there.

    @KeyserSöze: Blaaaah! Remove the electro-nannies! Leather?! Creature comforts? Blaspheme!

    Junkyard rotors? Yikes. I'd never bother with such a gamble on my brakes. My mother in law's on the other hand....

    If this is the HTC Desire, I am going to be so effing pissed. I gave up on them ever getting a decent Android handset and committed to an Aria.

    @rd2uk: Agreed. Should have only had them on the sofa long enough to read of the times then end it there. They were insufferably Hollywood.

    I had it's platform twin, a Dodge Aspen, back in high school. It had been my grandfather's car. After he died, my grandma sold it to my dad for a buck. Worst buck he ever spent. Seafoam green with the faux ragtop thing on the back. What a hateful car.