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    @franco1975 [Troll ]: Around here in California, most of the counties that have stricter laws typically because of the fire hazard. Brush fires and the like aren't a lot of fun.

    @crapcakes: Seriously? What century are you here visiting from?

    Heh. That's funny. Someone who spends his entire life working strictly within Labor negotiated 9-5 work weeks has a hard time grasping life in a place where 9-5 doesn't exist.

    Once they close the Rubicon, all Jeep marketing will have left is Golf Course Rated.

    HypnoJobs demands your cash and your allegiance!

    @Motor_Yakuza: This was one of the first things I thought of when I saw the story the other day. I have a feeling Jalopnik will be the space to watch for further, um, 'developments' in that area.

    @Donatom3: Well then it's just sharty info layout. In browsing their plans I can't deciper that. Since I can't actually select an EVO and shop plans since it's out of stock, all I see that covers 4g is that $60 add on from the main plans page. WTF is it with carriers and making this info so hard to collect and parse?

    @TheNimboo: Had the same response myself. So I went to Sprint's page and check out plan pricing. $60/month extra for unlimited 3g/4g on top of your phone plan? Gee, thanks, but no thanks Sprint.

    Heh. At least it's still attached.

    Screw dreams for the kids, Mama wants.

    @snitch: No 2Ghz in it. Mayhaps a dual core Qualcomm unit at best.

    @im2fools: Wildfire is small (not out just yet) and there's the Sony X10 somethingoranother. Both or tidy little phones but lowerend so not nearly as much punch as the higher end biggies. Still decent stuff though. No Froyo yet on either, but eminent.

    I look forward to when the tweel finally comes to pass and these guys are put out to pasture.

    @kashmoney: Happy marriage! Now let's go get someone killed! People will talk about our wedding for years to come I guarantee it. The funerals will be a blast as well!

    @Optixtruf: Wicked. I so hope Chrysler's got this engine right. I am waiting anxiously for it to replace the 3.8L in the Wrangler so I can get me one.

    @Matt Farah: Somewhat unrelated, but why do they pose these guys in hats and sunglasses? The sunglasses I get I guess, but the hat? Weird on top of weird.

    I will repeat one of my previous post responses: Pretty much anything Murilee posts about on the weekend.

    @Triborough: Most of these infographics that have been proliferating lately are quite full of bunk as they highlight interesting or controversial points for reasons of dubious merit while telling very little of the overall story.

    Am I the only one thinking that those hay bales would have been little more than scene dressing if that thing went for the crowd?

    @Lotte: I'll take a 737 and it's twin engines anyday over an MD80 and it's troublesome jackscrews.