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    @13thfloorelevator: Landies have sold out to the nameplate at the cost of the heritage. Jeeps have done the same but you can still get the exposed wire bundles and sticky out bits at no extra charge!

    @UDMan: How can 3 2007 Acadias be C4C eligible? How in the hell does a car see $25,500 in depreciation in two years or less? (I assume base MSRP ~$30k) I don't see how they got those in.

    @pj134: Cool. Then i have a girl crush on her =).

    @skaycog - Game On!: I love you man. Not nearly as much as this car, but nonetheless I like the cut of your jib.

    From the looks of it, this new diesel should make the bio nerds happy as Ford is electing to run with a urea injection for emissions cleaning in it. VW among others have made their new diesels use a post injection system that may make running biodiesel fuels harmful to the engine even at B5 concentrations. This bodes

    The PT Cruiser. Why won't they follow through and kill it like they keep hinting at?

    L.A. Times has been doing a spectacular job over the past couple of years with their info graphics and their use of Google. They also did a hugely useful fire tracker last year during the Yorba Linda fires that was outstanding. Hats off to who ever it is in charge with those things.

    Wow, this is the stupidest argument I've seen in a while. And I have a three year old who I spent a part of the morning arguing with over the fact that a kayak is indeed a boat. Sheesh.

    I wonder if this will include their diesels now. The lifetime powertrain thing before excluded them.

    @LionZoo: Indeed. The time for a constitutional convention is waaaay over due. We've got too much of the governing happening at the witless ballot box and horrible system of districting that causes much of the gridlock in Sacto. We need a serious do over.

    Where's Tesla? Here's a factory ready for the taking. Since their San Jose dreams fell apart, this looks like a nice place to set up shop.

    @knyghtryda: Actually, it may help by forcing people to leave the area. Fremont is smack dab in the middle of Silicon Valley and the SF Bay area. We need more houses, have for years. If anything goes foreclosure as a result of the jobs lost here, it'll quickly get snapped back up, assuming the banks don't keep them

    @Tony C: Actually UAW is represented at the NUMMI plant.

    Well this at least explains to me why we in the U.S. get the sharty old BBC America page now by default when we try to go to topgear.com.

    #15 will make me a very, very happy WT girl.

    I'd be the first to call shotgun. But I would be no where to be seen when it comes time to change out the spare after a flat on that beast.

    @Syrax - in black for the Jezebanned: There's a guy who works somewhere near my house and he DD's a Phaeton. I rarely see it for long because he's always hauling the mail with it. Tis a fantastic car.