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    Reading around on the pre-production reviews from last year is making me really excited for all the production reviews set to publish this Friday. I do think Sir Hammond is going to want to take the loss on his Challenger and get himself a Camaro in it's stead.

    I need me one of these for laying out some nasty smoking donuts in front of that kid's house up the street. That twerp needs to be schooled on how to properly disrupt the neighborhood as he's not at all good at it.

    The diesel would have stacks for that ultimate last little necessary bit of Jethro.

    I was wondering if they'ed be doing HID's. Every pic I've seen has been the cheapo halogens. Silly thing to look for, but it's one of those check boxes everyone needs to offer these days. The SRT Challenger's got them so I'd hope Chevy'd come up to par with that at least.

    And we thought flying monkeys were creepy. Now that they've got crotch rockets, we're all doomed.

    One of those 'well, it looked good on paper' sort of ideas.

    Still ugly. But now it's unholy too. Goes like stink so doesn't really matter how it looks I guess.

    I saw this post when it first came up and I laughed. Then I saw this today and it ruined my day.

    This would've been more fun.

    Sounds like my dad belching the alphabet.

    @flyingstitch: Jesus, this again? Since moving from the southern part of the state to the northern part, I've gotten grief from several native northerners about that. I believe Murilee has discussed it once or twice as well. I'm surprised how much this rubs the grammar police the wrong way.

    @engineerd thinks cannoli is deserving of a star: Note that the Riverslime rank fell 57% over last year so it's not as bad as it has been in recent years. I think the 91/215/60 nightmare interchange work finally completed plus the housing implosion squelched the Inland Empire population boom. Still sucks though. I'll

    @MrBangBam: No DOUBT! Every time I drive to L.A. I wonder if people actually have homes as it seems like they're all out on the freeways. Not that where I live is much better (San Jose, #18) and where I grew up (Riverside, #20) is pretty much a smog basin of idling engines. But still, we are not worthy!

    I can't think of a favorite slogan but I love this ad. Makes me sad really because Chrysler has driven the brand into the ground.

    @cabjf: Anyone who doesn't go through a dealer's internet department first after researching local pricing through sites like carsdirect, edmunds, etc. is just asking to be ripped off. Walking on the lot and trying to deal through the lot apes is a waste of time.

    For you Ray.

    It caught the dorks oogling it as well.

    I lurve me mah Hemi, sure it's a bunch of marketing puffery, but I love my Grand Cherokee's 330 ponies. Then there's my Wrangler with the 4.0, that's like 190 I think, and the old man's Honda Accord with the 4 banger brings up the rear with a surprisingly useful 161 HP. I'll go with 1.6 for the appliances in the

    GR-1 All the Mofo'n way.