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    I was hoping for "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine" in the Morse code. I am so disappointed.

    You give it reasonably high marks for value but low marks for gadgets and interior features. That's kinda what seems to suck for all VW's these days. The price really quickly jumps out of value range when you add on the options to make the interior better than mediocre. A fully loaded Tiguan easily becomes as

    Is it wrong of me to be excited about the new Bond flick strictly because of the Aston Martin carnage it promises?

    In far off land of hypothetical, where I run my own successful business and am fabulously wealthy as a result, I'd put in a team of both genders at any trade shows. Colin Firth is a good pick. But for the female part of the team, Jill Wagner all the way.

    Also, no forged wheels? Cast FTL. Was Alcoa out of the office or something?

    Badge delete please. Then I'll take one. WTF is that ghost flames/fake grime decals on the bed?

    @graverobber- It says Loud Pipes Save Lives: I concur. Even growing up in the 80'3 it was still bad at times. Photo spreads like this make it hard to totally hate CARB. I still hate them, just not completely.

    @wookie1901: My two year old would love it. Not that there's any danger of us ever even coming in to contact with a Panamera any time during our lifetimes....but if we did, he'd do his damnedest to stress test every one of those buttons.

    There's something terribly wrong with me. I am actually starting to like these a bit.

    No Corolla? And WTF is a Prius anyway?

    Did anyone else see the similar treatments Car and Driver did on this? Oy vey.

    @elwood: AEV allows you to customize up to a D60 in the rear.

    @Devryn: Go to their site and use their builder page. It's on the order of likely $40k+ depending on options.

    Damn you Jalopnik. I finally kicked the self destructive need to oogle AEV's site and you go and do something like this. You are an enabler do you know that? There goes my weekend.

    The redo with the Benny Hill tweak makes it much more fun.

    That nose is reminiscent of the fish eyed Taurus. Very goofy looking.