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    Where's the line for handing an ass-kicking to whomever is responsible for this forming at? Oh I see it, right there.

    @MrEvil: But then a whole village of starving Indian children would have gone without their cornmeal since it was used to make ethanol for this stunt. My god, won't someone think of the starving Indian children?

    OK, this is exactly everything you need to do to turn off female buyers. Yes, men on average react to the female form, I get that, I'm not disputing that. But when women buyers like me see this kind of pathetic 'Hail Mary' desperation marketing tactic it tells me that this company doesn't want my business because I'm

    A big 'oh fawk, Chrysler's truly on the way down' moment will be when they are offering cash rebates on Wranglers in Southern California. It doesn't appear to be far off as they are offering 0% financing on the X Unlimited models here in San Jose at least, which is rare anytime outside of model year closeouts.

    OK, so shall we guess which username is his then? If he doesn't have one, we must get him one immediately.

    What isn't wrong is a shorter list.

    Any Southern Californians remember Mr. Bircham? That was when Carola was still funny.

    Saw a woman driving with her CAT sitting on the center console the other day. People are genuinely stupid.

    @RalphieDC: Jaysus, you don't need a FourTwo, you need a vacation. Three kids and all likely in diapers still? Not fun.

    Diabetes is a nasty monster. It complicates and amplifies every malady that it makes the sufferer prone to. My mother in law is on no less than 20 prescription meds thanks to all of the complications her difficult diabetes has created. Her quality of life is crap. I can imagine that since the heart attack, Boyd was on

    Same underground conspiracy that scuttled the Jeep Gladiator that came oh so close to production.

    @Charles_Barrett: Man I feel the same way most of the time. Though no head trauma, just the parent of a very energetic two year old. Odd how there's so many similarities. Things I often forget because so much of my mental energy is sapped on trying to keep the kid from running into traffic, sticking knives in

    @goatrope: FACT! Neither has been in my kitchen as well.

    I think it would be easier to start with a pile of scrap iron girders and junkyard axles. Probably end up being more roadworthy too.

    I wonder what sort of state the gas in it will be in.

    Very awesome. I like the wheel detail too.

    When I got into a manual Rubi on one of the courses at Camp Jeep a few years ago, they didn't want you to take it out of second. The course was so frappin' lame I could have done it in 2Hi in 4th. This looked equally meh. But then again, how often do you get to drive indoors?

    A mug could hold just about any hot liquid. Coffee, tea, soup, hot chocolate, a hot toddy, sake, warm brandy, etc. You just aren't using your imagination enough.

    Crap. More shitty chrome plastic to come then.

    Yeah, big fat steaming pile of BS I call as well. The only thing behind our current new malaise is our collective shortsightedness, blinders really, in our dependence on gasoline for transit. We're paying the price for it through the shitty cars thanks to all auto manufacturers sitting on their hind ends while