
It is - and I have switched to dailies which definitely help. But in the end, having worn contacts almost every day for about 25 years has kinda done me in. I had been wearing monthlies the last decade or so and switched to dailies about a year ago, but they’re sooooo much more expensive...and even after a few days in

Can I just offer that I wore my contacts today for the first time in months even though they give me eyelid bumps now because I’m so tired of my glasses smudging...I feel your pain deeply on this.

Yep, the “who will Negan kill?” fiasco aside of the season opener (which I decided to skip through to the end to see Maggie, Sasha, and Rosita for once get the “character growth” side of the Fridge trope), this season, particularly the “movie length” one two weeks ago was revoltingly too close to what happened in our

I have been screaming myself hoarse at family and strangers who think a Presidential election, particularly this one, is ONLY about who sleeps in the West Wing.

I hope the same for you, friend. Yeah, I don’t think it’s coincidental that the election and Winter’s early darkness/the need to hibernate came at the same time this year.

This is so freaking creepy.

Yeah, honestly, the first people I started screaming at on my facebook, which turned out to include my parents who mislead me into believing they were voting for Hilary, were third party voters. And I screamed at them with the burning rage of a very pissed off, exploding sun, and involved both the words cunt and cock

Totally. I started having a panic attack on the way home from an election party. Went to bed, started hyperventillating, until my husband calmed me down enough to finally fall asleep - then totally started to dream that she did actually win in the end, but forced myself to wake out of it because it was too painfu

SAME. Just lay in bed all day, crying, then sort of restively dozing, then crying again. I don’t know when I’ll be able to watch it. I’m still waiting to wake up from all of this.

I’ll raise your UTIs and tell you about the roommate I had who believed cranberry juice also cured yeast infections. Like, she wasn’t even getting the anatomical hole/infection right. It drove me crazy because this is a person who went to Tufts, then got a full ride at GW for her masters degree based on her intellect.

I visited her gravesite this summer (and Frederick Douglass’ who is buried in the same cemetery). It was my second time back to Rochester since I’d lived there as a little kid (first time in 20 years) so it was quite the memory lane for me and also unhidden treasure trove as I was 8 when when we moved and I had no

Yes, me too!! Totally paused in the middle of getting ready for hosting our Halloween party to sit down on our bed and hyperventilate to my husband about how fucked up this all is. Migraines in overdrive.

My soulmate cat was like that; he had his own perch on the outside of our dorm so he could watch over everything that happened - it was in Florida, so we were always outside. If the social shenanigans included people he knew and loved then he’d often come down and join us, but as there were certain assholes lurking

This might be the most apt article I’ve ever read on here. Everything said above about Ina Garten is a hundred and ten percent true, bless her.

So I hate roller coasters, do not feel the need to ever go skydiving nor bungee jumping, have had some very traumatic experiences happen to me involving strangers on the street and being held up at work, yet I do LOVE horror movies. I love the hoky, campy ones, I love the artful, psychological ones, I am most

This pic is from two years ago, however, this is also the same expression she wore on her face on Saturday when we had our annual Halloween Party. I didn’t put her in a costume this year, BUT, I did have to shoe her away every time she tried to get in my lap Saturday because I was running around like a psycho trying

Yuna wants cookie...and to claw my eyes out for doing this to her.

me too!!!!

I’m so glad the badass cat hero story made the cut!! Also, not going to get any work done the rest of the day because the comments always fill up with additional stories, yay!!

You are the O.G.s for Children of the Corn...sans corn.