
All Rory’s boyfriends turned out to be tools, though Jess seemed to have grown out of it and Dean kinda downward spiraled into it, but Logan is by far the worst. THE WORST. HE IS AWFUL. AWFUL.

I keep clicking on to Jezebel today in hopes of a post about this year’s scary stories contest and I’m getting so much whiplash from seeing pictures of Trump that I’m getting nauseous. This article’s content (not the writing, but the subject matter) is definitely putting it over the top. Consider me terrified of our

“There’s literally every single thing about Toph.” LOVE IT.


Came here to say the same - Artemesia, she and her spinal armor are the only reason to watch that film.

Finished it last night. Went to bed crying. Going to see the Tim Burton movie, despite his dumb remarks, because Eva Green is god.

Completely agreed.

Right? I’m confused as to whether he thinks this statement about the Brady Bunch is him railing against PC run amok, or just, you know, straight up racist. I get the feeling he thinks he’s just offering a critique of PC tokenism but the comment reads as straight up racist as fuck.

I’m right there with you. Particularly as I’m about to come to the end of Penny Dreadful... :(

What kills me about this statement - and maybe I’m interpreting this the wrong way - is how he says he was actually offended by them trying to widen representation on the Brady Bunch. Like, what? I get that people are sick of “political correctness” (honestly, they can suck it, because being annoyed by PC run amok is

So this admission is in no way meant to be conflated with anti-vaxxing ideology or even anti-flu shot per se, but I used to get the flu shot every year until I had a really, really bad experience with it. The winter I moved across the country, I dutifully got my shot in my shoulder two days or so before I was set to

Fair enough! On that note, my cat Yuna, rather than summoning aeons, thinks she’s a water bender, I guess, based on how often she enjoys tipping over cups of water around the house.

No love for the Water Tribe? :) His name was actually going to be Iroh up until the moment I adopted him, then it just had to be Sokka. Also, from an etymological standpoint, since his predecessor was Loki and his new sister was Yuna, I thought Sokka had a nicer cadence to it...

I confess I love Curtis for a boy cat but mostly because I used to catsit for a Curtis who was the coolest cat (that wasn’t mine) I’ve ever met. So, Curtis the Second is a name I’d also be down with. I had a friend name his fish Phillip, he was very proud of that name :)

Because if I’m being real, Allison is probably my favorite even though Cosima and Helena are amazing and perhaps slightly better cat names. Though Allison Hendrix would be kinda fun as a full-named cat. I’ve been toying with Ms. Vanessa Ives as cat’s name, too.

Aw, those are good names! And Lana with the huge paws and the brains - perfect. Do you ever yell at her like Archer? Lana, hey Lana, Lana-LANAAAAAAA!!!

To be fair I think he was attempting to be feminist about it in terms of Ellen Ripley being a strong female character and thus is a great girl’s name and that my naming a boy cat that was somehow missing the point. I think he just missed my point about it being nbd to name a boy after an awesome woman. But whatevs...

What’d your cat end up with? I have a friend who also has a cat named Ripley and I when I found out I was like OMG my next black tuxedo boy cat will be named Ripley also! and the owner’s husband was all, but Ripley’s a girl’s name. And I was all Ripley’s a badass’ name and I have no problem naming my future furbaby

What are yours? Sokka and Yuna are in current use and I had Elphaba and Loki (back when he was more the sometimes evil brother to Odin rather than Tom Hiddleston). Loki the cat as it turned out was my soul mate, (sorry Mr. Audcat), so that sucks as he’s been gone 8 years next month.

I do have Lagertha on my future cat name list. Along with Smilla(‘s Sense of Snow) , Sestra (Orphan Black), and Ripley (duh).