
Anyone who says its worse or as bad as the live action movie is not a serious person.

100% this. It’s a different world today and we just don’t need a ‘girls are inferior and dumb’ angle, even to quickly overcome it.
And also, from a purely narrative perspective, if you’re going to resolve the ‘arc’ so quickly, is it that much of an arc? If you resolve it within four episodes and then it’s never really

Let’s not let your gendered insults derail your obviously thoughtful comments. Would you also like to call her “uppity” while you have the time?

Ironically, reviews keep saying she’s the second-best performance in the film. What does it say that Evangeline Lilly was reposting the trucker march and was at anti-vaxx rallies even after APOLOGIZING for spreading anti-vaxx conspiracies and folks are singularly obsessed with Letitia Wright being a dumbass that one

It definitely has felt a bit like Jezebel has, in many ways, been kinda half-assing this most sacred tradition this year... *sad trombone*


You and me both. I criticized my wife for her being unable to watch/enjoy anything with Tom Cruise in it, and here I am in the same boat with this moron. I’ve seen and enjoyed every Marvel movie, ESPECIALLY Spiderman related, but I just can’t bring myself to put this in front of my eyes for 2+ hours. Forever will I

Jared Leto is the reason why I don’t want to see Morbius.

No lies detected. And her outfits have been a gift to us all. 

The best character in a show full of great characters. I’ll be sad when this is done.

This is an intellectually dishonest take and that’s me being generous. Earning money off of borrowed money is free money. No longer having to carry a debt is not free money.

I mean....if this is really how the whole conversation went, I would report him to the FBI as a potential threat to society. Not even kidding here.

I’m glad you GOPers have decided to fully embrace your previously closeted gay fantasies and now are loudly proclaiming how much you want to fuck Joe.

I’m just waiting for someone to sue everyone who voted yes for that abortion bill to collect their $10k from each one.  There has to be at least one abortion that was perform BECAUSE they signed the bill.  Therefore, they enabled it and should pay the fine.

Soooo, in Texas you are free to spread a deadly disease to kill vulnerable people, and no one can stop you or tell you that you can’t.


This seems to be a theme in the stories this year. I feel (and have been told as such by Elders) that sage is a technology that can be used by anyone - not only does it have spiritual significance across many cultures, but there is something really powerful about moving a wand of smoking sage around with the

It is, but it is not Live Action, and that puts it in a different bracket. The take I have heard most often is that by being Animation, they kinda left the directors alone in a way that they dont with Live Action. Definitely a win, though.

Just minutes after finishing Picard’s first episode I’m finding this headline, joined by this image and those few sentences.