
That is awesome. The only thing I got out of my Catholic/Catholic School upbringing is my respect for the Sisters of Mercy. Those ladies kept it real. Always. Naturally, they're the most under-appreciated, criticized, and demonized aspect of the church by the dipshits generally in charge of it.

Ugh, Sorry - yeah, it was awful. And I discovered it when I was looking for the article (to share with coworkers) about his not needing wheels anymore because he could walk and prance about...

The little goat who's infection at birth had paralyzed his back legs. He was given wheels. And then he actually ended up being able to walk and was doing great. AND THEN he got another infection and passed away...in the arms of the lady who had bottle-raised him on their shelter/farm in New Zealand (it may have been

Are you referencing snowflake because YES I CRIED AT WORK.

Yeah, ours started as an electrical spark as well, turns out the previous homeowner did a lot of his own wiring. Unfortunately, the corner in the basement where it sparked was where my mom had left a pile of dried "Indian" corn she was going to use to make harvest wreaths for my the neighbors. Couldn't have asked for

You are like some sort of fire superhero. Seriously, are you Firestar?

Damn. I actually have two fire stories (dorm burned on Devil's Night in college), but yours definitely is far more harrowing. I'm always worried about a third now, though. On a superstitious level, it really freaks me out, particularly since the first one was bad, but not tragic, the second was bad and tragic for

She did better than me; in 6th grade on a November Saturday morning in Maine, I woke to the sound of the fire alarm and convinced myself that it was my brother's alarm clock. It was 5 am and freezing and rather than drag myself out of my toasty bed, I lay there drowsing and wishing he would get up and start his paper

Good job, fireants!!

I paused before clicking on the article, hoping against hope, that any/all of these lines would be her official replay.

yes, bring him back to Sleepy Hollow!

I am so sorry that happened to you and your friend. Both the first awful ordeal and the complete and utter lack of justice you received. I understand what you're saying - you're probably right. And it totally sucks. My best to you and your friend.

Seattle was canceled as well, thank gawd.

Also, his attempted murder of a teenage girl included some really fucked up sordid details - like the 16 year old in Virginia being found naked, raped, covered in bleach and burns. He did this to her within a week after having charges dismissed concerning a bomb threat he made. He had previously held his estranged

Right? I sent an email today asking what was up. There's been NO coverage of this and I don't understand why. I've had to seek out news on this since her kidnapping from other sources and I'm no longer local to the DMV so had assumed there'd been plenty posted here but have seen nothing. Considering the increasing

So I literally uttered "HOLY FUCK" at my desk and then copied and sent the entire story to my husband, besties and coworkers. When I introduced it by way of Jez's scary stories and mentioned that this one wasn't actually a ghost story some of my coworkers were immediately disappointed...until they read it and I

I spent over an hour reading everyone's stories submitted in the original post yesterday. I alternated last night between nightmares of the home invasion kind and feeling like I needed to get up already to get started on my Voodoo doll costume for work - hours before my alarm was set to go off. Can't wait to discover

haha, YES. And I remember the protagonist makes out with her crush and thinks "he tasted like carrot cake; she loved carrot cake". And about 20 minutes later she's lost in the wintry wilderness and has to pee on her hands to keep them from succumbing to frost bite. It's amazeballs that I can remember this shit from

Well, given my penchant for horror now, I'm sure I could, haha, but at the time I remember just having a really unsettled feeling about the violence in that story - which I'm sure is what Pike was going for. SIDE NOTE: having wikied Pike a couple days ago when Jez mentioned they'd be doing Fall Into Darkness, I

I was thinking this as I read it! Also, all of Park's pov can be summed up by how fuckable the female characters are and he's our main male protagonist!