
That book is nuts and a little revolting - I remember my 11 year old self hardcore cringing through half of it. Like when Cessie breaks the guy in the wheel chair's neck and pushes him into the acid river! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT'S A SENTENCE I JUST WROTE.

I think the sister who has electro shock therapy in the Forever Friends would be her!

OMG, I have to share this with my bestie - we always LYLAS our emails...And, beeteedubs, I'm totally going to reread the entirety of Weekend for post Halloween relaxation this weekend. I can't believe how well what I'm reading so far even holds up!

Hahahahahaha! Also, I just found a .pdf of Weekend on line and literally searched out the part where Pike describes Robin's voice (pre-rat poison) as rivaling Linda Ronstadt's but somehow I missed the fact that they're listening to a PAT BENATAR cassette while driving to the beach house in Mexico!!

Weekend was the first one I read! And the first time I ever came across the term "Cholo" as in Sol was one maybe? (as I was from suburban Maine! )

What I remember most about ones like Chain Letter and eventually the Forever Friends trilogy is that there weren't any actual bad guys....at least not the way I wanted them to be bad guys. Like Neil just goes to a cabin in the woods with his jock friend and passes away and then in the Graduation, the "killer" is just

Totally TMI, but Spellbound definitely opened up some hormones for me.

Also, I remember Neil is wearing a ring he got off of the man they all accidentally killed and it's too big for his ever-thinning (because cancer) finger.

The reviews for that one on Amazon are great - there's a lot of one stars from readers who were pissed about the Anti-Abortion spin!

I keep trying to hurry donors off the phone so I can get back to this comment section!

Yes, Gimme a Kiss! The book where I learned that dudes will get violent if you grab their crotch? Also, it was the first time I had heard the term "brained" as in the protagonist brained her friend with a baseball bat or fire poker when she comes into the house, thinking it's the killer. Also the police detective

Some of the teens in Scavenger Hunt are lizard aliens. And two of them are brother and sister and one of the human main characters sees them making out in between ice cream scoops in their car.

Sati...it's about a girl hitchhiker who says she's God.

My favorite part in Remember Me is when the main character mentions something about sex between two consenting adults and the guy ghost - her friend's older dead brother - asks about her thoughts regarding consensual sex between two ghosts. GHOST SEX.

5) Either the killer OR the victim always has long black hair and large distinctive eyes!

I remember the killer was one of the friends, Neil, and he was dying of cancer. Spoiler!!

AHH what about the one where she goes to Brazil for Carnival and the blonde cruise captain with emerald eyes is the bad guy and tries to throw her out of a cable car?? that's some JAMES BOND SHIT RIGHT THERE!

omg - the only few scenes I do remember include the BACKRUB AND CHAD SAYING HE'S GLAD SHE'S NOT WEARING A BRA! Also: that Sharon slicked up the rope just high enough that she had to jump to get to a place where it was not too slick to climb/Ann had beautiful green eyes that had been eaten out by the fish in the

I think Scavenger Hunt was the last one of his I read as a kid because of the creepy incestuous lizard people just made me feel all....blurgh. It was really disturbing with the acid lake and the guy in the wheel chair and the dude stomping on a lizard, essentially, his little relative...or maybe See You Later was the