I spent the other day on Amazon half reminiscing about the ones I had read and reading reviews of the ones I didn't - there's one with Fire in the title, I think - the main character is a mental pyromaniac or something?
I spent the other day on Amazon half reminiscing about the ones I had read and reading reviews of the ones I didn't - there's one with Fire in the title, I think - the main character is a mental pyromaniac or something?
Before I even read the article let me say YASSSSSSSSS, have been waiting for this all week.
I have a story for Rockville! It's where the awesome judge told the fucker who attacked me on the street walking home in Silver Spring that he was going to get a full 10 year sentence rather than the 3 his defense attorney was trying for. Also, the day of my 2002 Halloween party was the first Saturday after the…
The scariest thing about my last trip to Salem (I visit every time I go back to Boston to visit friends and always in October) is that it took TWO HOURS to find parking. TWO HOURS. Yes, we probably should have given up, but I do love the scenic little town and all the kitsch, despite the fact that it disrespects an…
Also...I loved that show.
But no Goatman story??
I just found this on his wiki page: "On November 25, 1996, his book Fall into Darkness was adapted into a television movie of the same name, produced by his company Christopher Pike Productions." WUT???
Here's a thing I remember about Christopher Pike books - any girl in them with black hair was either the murderer or the one to be murdered. Think about it. Anne (Fall into Darkness), Remember Me, Spellbound....
Totally agreed.
I'll bet those of your extended family and friends who scream the loudest about your England wedding won't even end up coming to your NYC bash. At least, that was my experience - those who whined the most about my Seattle wedding (where we live) also couldn't get over their xenophobia in order to attend a bbq in a DC…
We moved to the West Coast in the last year and had our wedding here while almost all our family and friends were on the East Coast and we did it for exactly the reasons above plus a couple more. While we invited extended family, we knew full well none of them would come, thus allowing us to be able to afford to host…
Both my cats love tp have their belly scratched. One turns over on her back and will lie there for hours like a stunned silky shark while you pet every inch of her. The other enjoys only so much petting to begin with and only on the bed; he lets you pet his belly when he stretches out but only for so long...but he…
Ahh!! I remember this from last year! So terrifying!
This movie is great and I was lucky enough to be at a SIFF showing which hosted a Q&A with Mr. Simien. The film was very clever, I thought, the dialogue was sharp and witty and the characters for the most part were pretty nuanced and there were some great, subtle aspects to the story that seemed hardly important until…
Not really applicable to the above story, but just because I want to bitch about it: I love it when people in the exit lanes just refuse to let you get over for your exit. They clearly know that you're moving over in an attempt to LEAVE the highway, yet they somehow still have a compulsive need to speed up and not…
Oof, we need a Zatanna movie. For Realz. I seriously don't understand how a character as powerful as her has not been made into a first tier DC superhero. Every time I see the Flash thrown in with Wonder Woman and Superman, I just fill with rage. Also, with the new Constantine series premiering next week, it seems…
The kids live with him. Why would he be paying her child support?
I don't think a 7 year old having a seizure either hospitalized or self-diagnosed herself. Just saying. If she had a seizure, then a slew of tests would have been run, and that's the diagnosis the doctors would have been left with based on her brain patterns and bloodwork and every other test they have to run when a…