"Anybody who takes inappropriate pictures of themselves deserves exactly what they get."
"Anybody who takes inappropriate pictures of themselves deserves exactly what they get."
It is going to be my response to any and all questions for at least the next 24 hours. "Have you seen the cat?" "Vulvatron..." in an awed whisper.
True, but I'm speaking of culturally and politically different time periods, not really genetic heritage. I'm pretty sure that by the time Outlander's time travel setting takes place, the Vikings had long since stopped raiding. But I think they had even stopped or at least slowed down by the time Braveheart took…
Gawddammit, Lindy...Please don't go....PLEASE DON'T GO!!! Also, that's last paragraph....SOB.
I actually went straight to the post, skipped his bullshit article and zoomed down to the comments, relieved to see his peers rip him a freaking new one. In an effort to self preserve my waning sanity this week, I've decided to skip the terrible shittiness that is op-eds of people defending terrible shittiness and go…
best gif ever
Gee thanks, I'll stop calling out general shittiness, apathy, and ignorance and suddenly start finding all of it acceptable. Seems to be working well for society so far.
It's not a scandal. It's a crime with real human beings being victimized continuously and now for profit.
Gawd, this is the only thing I've seen in the last 48 hours that makes me NOT want to blow up the internet/world. This is awesome, why can't there just be more GOOD things happening in terms of people interacting with each other and celebrating each other as talented and impressive human beings and individuals? Why…
Yeah, that's pretty much why I've really liked the movies - great cast and range of storytelling for sure. I just HATE most of the plot and the final ending of the last book so much that I was bawling for days - but I don't JUST hate it because it made me sad and I had an unrealistic expectation of body count for…
UGHFF. no spoilers, but this just makes me full of angst. I swore I wouldn't see the films because of the third book. But my love for Jlaw knows no bounds...so now I sort of want to the last movie - also since it's the last film of Hoffman, but ughhhhhh can they just change the whole thing so it's about as close to…
Addendum: the reason my attacker was potentially going to be found not guilty is because I fought back too hard. Because he didn't get the chance to get his dick out before fleeing as I alternately bashed him with my phone while screaming to the 911 responder my location, I looked less like a victim. That he had…
I know exactly where you're at; similar situation where I had to use my teeth. When I was recommended therapy by the lawyers I was so irate that this fucker was potentially going to get off (he didn't, #bestjudgeever) while I was asked to consider paying for therapy for my anger that I flipped out on them about how I…
I just want to give this all the stars.
omg I totally remember that matt leblanc commercial, the one with giovanni ribisi ripping his face off (because terrifying) AND the McDLT commercials because it was on a million times during the airing of the Ewoks Battle for Endor which we taped and also watched about a thousand times. I remember the shoulder pads…
Why the hiss growl for Jackson Galaxy? Is he an IRL jerk or something?
Did you mean Frozen or Tangled?
Are you equating grown men who should by now realize the fallacy of basing their knowledge on assumptions (having survived to adulthood) with little boys asking questions so they won't have to make goofy assumptions and then call women misogynist names because they were embarrassed for being called out for basing…
Man, Shark Week was something I looked forward to every year since high school - I'm 37 now. And every year I'd tune in with some dismay as they would feature more and more programming about shark attacks and dramatizations where in even the survivors would say they didn't blame the sharks, yet the programming…