
I came here to post the same thing. TUXEDOS RULE ALREADY. So I'm down with them being named the elite regiment of the feline invasion as I'm happily already under their control.

ALSO - And I may have missed this being reported above or reiterated below - I believe she is super young and her pregnancy was a product of sexual assault which is why she wanted to abort in the first place; she was deemed by two doctors as a legit suicide risk, but one obstetrician said the baby was viable

"With any luck, this will be the last straw of awful before our subconscious screams of "NO!!" wake us all up from the shared nightmare that is this week."

YES!!! When I read that she'd been doxxed, a lawsuit was my immediate reaction. I really hope she takes them for all they're worth.

Storyville, I think?

So I recently found out that one of my wedding vendors was a member and they had met their spouse through MarsHill, baptized one of their kids, etc, BUT have since left with their whole family. The means by which I learned this was heartening but man, at first, I was really stunned and weirded out. I really want to


Um you mention street fighter right after metroid in your original repost to me. And I'm aware that you were referring to Lara Croft's initial design - I said as much in pointing out that your allusion to why she became popular doesn't support your case as much as you think. Of course Metroid and Tomb Raider remained

true enough. But your allusion to why tomb raider did well also has little to do with the gameplay to be fair and speaks more to my point. And though samus is awesome, it's fairly easy to forget she's a chick in that suit. So you have two legacy female leads out of how many male protagonists, one of whom was hyper

You don't think our society which condemns boys who act or do anything that could be considered "girl-like" has cast the idea of boys buying and playing a game with a female lead in a negative light? As mentioned in the article, male equals default, female equals niche. That's the problem. Women aren't a niche, but

I am kind of wary of this myself. As much as I want to lock those fuckers up and throw away the key, it seems not only doubtful that they'd ever be convicted with that sort of sentence, but potentially will cast the case into absurdist territory and garner sympathy for these shits, which is exactly what the

If you're asking if there's a demographic of small town Americans that idolize and cling to high school athletes as their only hope to bring some sort of pride, community, and entertainment to their small town lives, then sure. The rest of us, not so much.

I 100 PERCENT join you in the worship of Lagertha! And yeah, context is everything - but since we live in an age where raiding and pillaging, etc, is certainly not necessary for our survival and is generally deemed an indisputably horrifying thing to do/watch/associate with, I stand by my reasoning that folks into


Baltimore?! Really? Granted when I lived there it was six years ago, but I had one bedroom apartment in Mt. Vernon that was $575 a month. How is DC not near the top of the list?

I think they win over Vikings and Visigoths, for example, because the Scottish were also historically the underdog. Vikings were amazing sailors, but they also traveled to raid - that may weigh on the conscience for some to embrace the sexy virility factor. Whereas the Scotts just wanted/want England to leave them


I completely read the second paragraph in the voice of Stefon. This trial has everything...jumproping penguins, human rocket launchers, my cousin Otis...

Can I just say that her outfit and it's impracticalities/revisions/deviations from canon aside that I STILL freaking choked up, alarming my husband when I approached him for a happy/sad/finally hug this morning because after 7 Batman movies, 5 Superman films, multiple Wolverines, Captain America, Punishers, Green

Why thank you for asking, YES, he said he was. And then I went home from work early on a chocolate unicorn..oh, sorry - got sidetracked thinking about how awesome it is when favorite things collide. What really happened is that he then went to the bathroom (I imagine) while I got side-eyed from the Diane Rehm Show