
I once ambushed John Hurt on his way to the bathroom to ask if he was a fan of WaterShip Down the book since he had voiced both Hazel and General Woundwort in both the cartoon films. True Story.


Yeah, it just makes me a little sad to think that there might be some little toymaker/giver out there whose face falls when they watch the news and learn that they've become persona nongrata in the community rather than a celebrated child hero. It's like the whole world is just too damn cynical now...but still, as

Great example!

Erm...They don't want the dolls returned by parents who won't accept gifts, or want parents to feel like they have to compensate them? True, it's creepier without at least an anonymous note to the parents, but perhaps that's just the dollgiver continuing to be out of touch in the same vein as anyone who thinks

Edit - I read the article on Gawker's main site first and missed the part here where the LAist suggests the same thing.

You know, I can't help but wonder if this was actually *MEANT* to be a nice, generous deed performed by an old school Santa Claus type craftsperson who just thought they were doing something anonymous and kind for their neighbors' kids. The first neighborhood I lived in as a kid was a dead end street that offered my

I object - to you calling them dragons. Dragons are cool.

well, yeah - they've been proving themselves as merely "pro-birth" in every aspect forever.

THIS VALENTINE'S DAY... = me shout-laughing at work when that popped up.

Right? I was definitely thinking..."but Secretary had so much heart to it!" haha.


Every single word written in the article above and the comments below is perfect. So I've only to add: just read the whole EW article which included paragraphs from the bbq entry and I have NEVER SEEN SO MUCH ALLITERATION IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Holy Hotdawgs.

I watched a program on hanuman langurs for primatology in college. The doc followed this one troop who's leader was named Messallah. I remember this scene where an invading troop was trying to take over the temple the main troop lived in and the dominant females were all forming a line of super defense, getting

Also, this movie should just be renamed ROCKULES.

Holy shit Lindy - given today's newsfeed around the web, I spent lunch asking for THE comet to hit and put us all out of misery....but this single article sorta makes me wanna say "hold up" to the next impending Extinction Event. At least until after this weekend...

Too late!

I think you're confusing Gallantry with DECENCY. You can be a rakish cassanova or an awkward but well-intentioned total failure at flirting but still have the sense to keep it in your pants within the first two hours of meeting someone. I personally would have booked it while he was the bathroom.

It's crazy that single mothers who let their kids do what average, middle income, two parent families do all the time without problems is not only demonized but suddenly criminalized. Of course, it's also crazy for a government and voters to legislate to create more single mothers while making them the most reviled,

I'm RED.