Addendum - now that I've read the article - that's the sanctuary where I used to volunteer and Glory Glory lived! (sadly she was born with a kidney disease and passed away some years ago)
Addendum - now that I've read the article - that's the sanctuary where I used to volunteer and Glory Glory lived! (sadly she was born with a kidney disease and passed away some years ago)
OMG YES I DID KNOW THAT! (Haven't read the article yet- just the title and got excited) because I used to work at a refuge where the bestest ever cougar named Glory would hide in the bushes then jump out and make that ADORABLE noise while I rubbed her belly!!! She was the best and this article (which I'll now read)…
Has she done Bollywood yet? I'm thinking that HAS to be next, right? Many bespangled-limbs in Shiva poses...and some sort of nose ring and bindi that would make that gill she wore in her Katy Takes On Ancient Egypt video seem positively demure by comparison. And oh the henna tattooing....has she already done this? I…
"-Seriously, Do Guys Suddenly Prefer Condoms Act" YOU ARE THE BEST
depends - is he an athlete?
Considering they're supporting an asshat piece of shit who "snitched" on himself by posting videos of his own crimes, I doubt words like "agenda" have much of a place in their vocabulary.
this wins the internet forever.
But do you think Hobby Lobby or any of the other millions of employers who hear "birth control" and think sluts be slutting are for these "exceptions" which statistically amount to nearly half the reason women are prescribed these drugs in the first place? If Hobby Lobby et al can get the government to give the okay…
How many fucking times have you been told that birth control pills are used for a goddamned slew of medical needs and disorders that have nothing to do with "recreational" anything. It's comments like yours that basically translates to "Oh, but I have a dick, therefor I don't give a flying fuck about maybe…
They don't want to pay for it for their employees, but they're happy to make money off of it and somehow nobody has a problem with this.…
"drop to the ground like a heap of shit". Nailed it.
I've heard that humans, cats, and Komodo dragons are the top three for nastiests bites sans injecting actual venom. Or rather we're the top three for having the "dirtiest" mouths in the world since I guess a mosquito is more likely to deliver death that way.
I was half kidding. Kind of like "Hey, I resemble that remark!" Though the "make no mistake" part seemed to imply that only manic pixie dream girls shop there and that Etsy is the hipster equivalent of pinterest or something. It's legit work for a lot of people.
Yeah, I pretty much used Etsy for my entire wedding. It really is a giant and too enjoyable time suck! It's called Yoshabel or you can type uniseacorns in the search box :)
Um, I'm sorta taking umbrage with your description of their stereotypical patron. I do run an Etsy shop, I do get most of my clothes from them (or Target, frankly) and while pugs are cute, I'm team doberman all the way and would ALSO consider myself savvy. How many Etsy store owners have been able to quit their…
I saw this during SIFF - it's awesome. Really good and pretty fairly nuanced all the way around, I thought. Though I rolled my eyes on behalf of the director when the old white academic type asked why the old white dean was portrayed as such a nasty 2 dimensional character. #Notalloldwhitemen The director handled…
This is why I loved living in Amsterdam - even though I had to leave my own beloved familiar home for 5 months and missed him every day, at least I could get some lap cat love from the resident felines of all my favorite bars and cafes. Cities with mice problems rule.
I will mention this about Wyldstyle - while clearly the dopey dude was meant to be our main protagonist/window into that world, Wyldstyle does get to talk about how she thought she was the MasterBuilder, or whatever. Her arc as a protagonist may not be one we get to see, and she may not be the chosen one, per se, but…
ps - don't you love the little blurbs in front of each chapter? They are so dead on! All the props to Richard Addams.