
NO WAY DUDE! IT'S AWESOME! but seriously - I avoided reading it my whole life because I was so scarred by the late 70s movie which is egregiously violent, holy cow - the film not only creates a character just to have it killed, but also kills a character that does not die at all in the book! Trust me - I am someone

I used to read it every spring - have gone through like three copies of it having lent it out so many times. My husband had a t shirt made for me that says "Watership Down: it's about bunnies" :) Seriously, the last third of that book is air-punchingly awesome!

I normally reserve this comment for Io9 articles but I'm always happy to share the love: WATERSHIP DOWN FOREVER!

There's a really good article by the author of the October Daye books (I think - I haven't read them) who talks about how and why she will NEVER use that as a plot device. It's seriously all win (except for the part where she basically lets you know that she is a rape survivor). Io9 has also had some really great

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've heard that a lot of the bad reviews about it (penned by mostly male critics), not only missed the rape metaphor but decided the whole reason she went "bad" was based on rejection. She becomes the crazy scorned ex who takes her jealousies out on the dude's kid. Apparently, being

I just tried to star your comment a dozen times...Kinja, of course, won't allow it, but know that I tried!


Holy shit...and on Gawker's main site a story about an archbishop who doesn't remember knowing in the 80s whether or not child rape is a crime....between these stories and the WaPo insanity today, I'm finding myself actually hoping the next extinction comet will be here soon. May ANYTHING other than humans inherit

I'll just leave this here to cheer y'all up.

"He did not make out with Christopher Meloni."

the most telling part? "coffee table book", why not just "book", Gwynnie?

Oof, I REALLY didn't want to do the father daughter dance but the only way around it was to not have dancing at all, really. My dad pulled some screwed up shit this year, and mostly it was by virtue of being so effing clueless and frankly pretty self-centered and stuck so firmly in his own mindset of self-pity that he

"I wish I had more articulate thoughts on this, but to be honest, I'm feeling a little sloppy after a restless night full of nightmares about getting brained. WHO KNOWS WHERE THOSE CAME FROM."

Ha, that strikes me as interesting because I was just (tearfully) telling my husband the other day that the real "unicorns" out there are women and girls who have NEVER experienced ill treatment and harassment because they were born female. Show me a woman who has spent more than a decade on this earth without being

Thank you for this.

Great post. As a woman, I'm not going to #notallmen you because you're angry for the right reasons, I think.

What's also fun is not necessarily being disbelieved or completely discounted by folks around you - because there is a guy in jail for assaulting me while walking home - but being told that your anger and sadness over these issues all stems from that one personal incident and that you need to seek therapy and anger

"and it basically emulsifies that outside layer of the fat, and allows it to exit out of your lymphatic system."

I was saying this same stuff over on io9 and kept getting folks disagreeing with me saying that she's just still manipulating people...well, no shit she's manipulating people but it doesn't dismiss why or how she became who she is. Completely missing the point - like my saying she's more nuanced or dimensional is

haha, well, I guess it was actually at the reflecting pool, so there's tree cover, some anyway, it was also in the fall and dark and a weeknight. We scouted for locations and then just went for it. We did have a condom, and I did wear a skirt and we were quick like bunnies. But yeah, that group of teens all wearing