yay! Another DC park-fucker! Mine was a bench at the National Mall.
yay! Another DC park-fucker! Mine was a bench at the National Mall.
Ooh, ooh! I got two - the elevator at the Tampa International Airport AND a bench at the National Mall, finishing minutes before a field trip of touristing teenagers herded past. I regret nothing.
right? And you know, totes okay for them to text and email the bride incessantly about their sock choices, etc in the days leading up to her nuptials - it's not like she has anything more pressing to be concerned with...especially when she's not only the bride, but also the wedding planner, the flower arranger, the…
A big toothy smile...and then drift off gently, eyes glazing over, "braiiiinsss". Good idea.
Given that I've been inundated by the male half of the guest list with questions of "What do I wear?" to my wedding next week, this headline about made me yell "TELL ME ABOUT IT" at my computer. Seriously bros? I know you've been to weddings before - I even met one of you at someone else's.
Fair enough, if you look at my original comment - even though I was using terms like hunger and making jokes about the whole brides never get to eat their own food at wedding bit, I never referred to the models actual bodies but was referring to the entire set-up of the ad. And really, it had much more to their…
Okay, well the way the video roles out reminds me of scenes in film where mobs of people were herded together and usually imprisoned or starving to death, so maybe it's just the way the footage is cut but TO ME that's what it's reminiscent of - scenes of desperate people slouching into one another because they…
ok, seriously - NOT skinny-shaming here, or thin-shaming, etc. But they look so hungry! Like I keep hearing Ursula the Seawitch's melodramatic voice in my head say, "Look at me, wasting away to practically NOTHING." This is like a PSA for all the brides who don't get to eat all the food served at their wedding…
Anyone else notice that the dude playing her friend's philandering husband is the same actor who played the skeevy orderly in Ginger Snaps 2 which featured Tatiana Maslany as a child psychopath?
You get that the problem with men dying and being crippled in war is WAR right? The point isn't which is the bigger problem - they are obviously both huge tragedies but this isn't a contest. For the love of everything, women wanting to not be raped or treated like shit doesn't mean that men should be killed and…
All the men? Really, ALL OF THEM? so what, women should be raped by their coworkers, their bosses, and the people they are there to help in support of Team 'Murica because patriarchy dictates it should be the men dying in combat because women will need fainting couches in the wake of bloodshed (hint - women bleed…
I never would have thought I'd say this because she's possibly the least likely I'd want to hang out with or aspire to be like (except Helena, of course), but Alison is my favorite performance of hers - she's just so delightful to watch, every mannerism is genius with that one. I'd be more likely to hang with Cosima…
Right back at you :)
Um, no. I didn't mean you are use of grammar. Thanks for proving my point!
Apparently not much better than your use of grammar.
yeah, also don't forget the gratuitous awful ripping open of her clothes for everyone before she's killed, ugh that miniseries was the worst.
so much this. can I just say that I wish all dudes could rock the hip belt and robe of Oberyn RED (HAWT) VIPER Martell. such swagger as not to be believed. Also, I was trying so hard not to scream KISS HIM!! while my tired affianced was snoring in the other room.
For sure - our neighbor down the street was allergic to them and had like 5 giant tree-sized lilac bushes (we had a couple smaller ones) and she would actually ask me to come down and take as many away as I could - I would bring our wagon down there with a pair of clippers and come back loaded up - and because we just…
MINE TOO! I grew up in different cities that always had a killer lilac season but when I lived in DC lilacs - what few bushes there were - would bloom for like a day then die. So depressing! Now that I'm in more Northerly climes there was no question that it all has to evolve around lilacs, haha. The best part is…
We're big foodies and since we're having the wedding out here in the PNW but most of our guests are coming from the East Coast I put mad work into the catering because I really want to give folks a "taste" of the area. We're doing appetizers, a mashtini bar, and a family style meal. It's definitely the priciest part…