
um, the flip side of that is that some spouses think it's totally the bride's like...chromosonal-coded passion to do all the groundwork on everything and plan every last detail even after she's asked repeatedly for help. And I'm finding that the spouse to be may not have strong preferences about most things, but

My bridesmaids gifts are the lace shawls I asked them to wear in the wedding and had them made through Etsy, might throw in some small locally made edibles too (I'm a gourmet salt junkie and love to share my insanity for it and they all love chocolate). I also let them pick the dresses they want - they actually all

Yeah, I'm planning my whole wedding around lilac season - which is kinda funny, because I seriously only need like a handful of them - picked from my coworkers back yards to feel like I'm getting what I want. The day before the wedding - which is on Mother's Day, no less - I plan on heading down to Pike Place and

Can I just tell you how much the photo at the top of the story makes me want to go home and climb into bed??

Am I the only one more excited to learn from this that Z for Zachariah is being turned into a movie?? I remember this book as a great read in junior high, kinda Island of the Blue Dolphins/Julie of the Wolves with radiation instead of animal companions.

I was thinking the same. He looks like he's trying to stifle urges to kill.

My fiance and I were in a tearing up contest (he won).

The funny thing is, by using "host", isn't he sorta implying that the fetus is a parasite??

Talisa? I was thinking that...or maybe one of the dothraki handmaidens, though that might have seemed like obvious and unfortunate typecasting.

no pocohantas?

I remember when this came out and EVERYONE LOVED IT. And then I saw it and was all "huh?" This movie sucks, the characters are awful - it kinda pushed me into overexposure Wynona Ryder territory which was sad cause I had previously loved her and boy did I hate Ethan Hawke so much. The idea that this movie was

Holy Fuck, that is NOT a husky.

You might want to address this with your former professor...maybe even ask if she was "kidding" or being sarcastic/retweeting some misogynist posts from somewhere? Also, maybe unfriend?

awww, he CARES about our discomfort!

Tea tree oil, people! Keep it on your person at all times - kills MRSA and cat cooties dead! In completely semi-related news, I'm going to have "There's no love, bond, or affection like that between a chick and her tomcat" put on a shirt. Who wants one?

yeah, the first (of too many) time(s) this happened to my familiar-er, I mean, cat Loki, I took him in because he had a temp of 107 and I had no idea why. The vets knew immediately and while shaving him to drain the one they had found, they found another. And thus his moniker "pusbutt" was born to both our shame.

How is this a new study? I think anyone who's owned a cat that had to have their ass both shaved and DRAINED multiple times in their 9 lives because of literal cat fights, already knew this. Top three filthiest mouths in the world: Komodo dragons, cats and their pets (humans).

Have loved him for a long time and last night watched the one movie he both directed and starred in; Jack Goes Boating. SO DAMNED GOOD. For a guy who did not have leading man looks in the traditional hollywood sense, he is so utterly watchable. I mean, every line is delivered with such deliberation yet with such ease

Ooh, bagpipes, that would have been kinda worth it, maybe. Wondering if the parade on Wednesday will be nuts or just...a parade.

Yeah, we were going to take a walk to see how Cap Hill was celebrating, then saw the news coverage and decided "meh". Just hunkered down and waited for Downton Abbey to the sounds of horns, hollers, and cars backfiring.