

yeah, it's kinda like all the people bitching that Jennifer Lawrence was a blonde and "not starving"and therefore couldn't possibly play Katniss. When she was most likely cast because she pretty much already played a present day version of Katniss in Winter's Bone for which she was nominated for an Oscar! How are

"Now imagine a world in which Katniss wouldn't have to choose."

it actually makes me really sad that he has a cat. i wish him to be completely petless. maybe his cat is just waiting for the feds to come and liberate him. the cat would probably live a cleaner, more scum-free life in a dirty alley that confined in a house with such filth as moore.

I think "Jack" is the guy from Anon who helped...or maybe I read that wrong?

honestly the only the thing that drives me crazy about her is that tongue. just put it away already - you must have caught a cesspit's worth of bacteria on that thing by now. PUT IT AWAY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD OR WHOMEVER!

UGHHHHH. And what makes any average-looking, ugly, or totally smoking hot guy capable of defending our country any better?? How does GIJOE's looks pertain to how he shoots a gun or flies an aircraft or drives a tank or serves as an analyst. Ughhh I HATE the world.

I love this post so hard. Thank you; I leave you with this in return:

Okay, clearing someone is trying to get political with these last two animals posts. Disdainful cat versus darling belly pups? Not fair!!! The whole thing is rigged, I tell ya!!....(typed by my two cats who just took over my Kinja)

omg - the reaction of specific folks as they check out at the grocery store aisles should be priceless.

This reminds me of a guy I dated who hated all my shoes - including all my boots and my sparkly red chucks, flats, and peeptoe wedges. He only used passive aggressive comments to air his disdain. On one of our first dates we were talking ink and I mentioned when he tried to look under my the table to see the work on

omg - I just casually walked into H&M to get a scarf and some thicker tights this Sunday and left with four sweaters (and a scarf and tights). Two for one sweater sale, hell yeah!! Went home and put the giant chunky fisherman LAVA RED one on right away.

yeah, our current place looks directly into the vintage hotel next door...we can't even tell if there's sun outside until after 2pm when it shines on the hotel windows! and of course, now it's going into winter in Seattle, so even though we're moving to a place with a nice tree instead of a giant hotel two feet

I think I just facepalmed so hard I startled my coworkers.

you should check out this movie the Mephisto Waltz with him and Jacqueline Bisset. It's old - back when he looked like Hawkeye and will either completely cement your take on him being creepy or add a discomfitting sexiness to it :)

Two things: YES and I'm so excited to be moving my kitties into a new place soon where sunlight might actually filter in and I can get back to vicariously enjoying this sort of feline life-style. Poor kitties have been living in a cave of a temp. apartment the last six months, AFTER being flown completely across the

I almost ran him over once at the indie bookstore I worked at - and then later at the npr station I worked at; he was very gracious about my bull-in-the-china-shopping both times, I have to say. I admit I am a biased Hawkeye fan from way back...but still. He didn't exude smarminess or anything and seemed pretty

Iman is certainly a good contender and statuesque as a goddess which is why I think she'd be better as Bast...it's exactly Bassett's role in Strange Days that seals the deal for her as Storm to me. Her arms in that movie just don't quit. Also, she could totally rock the 80's storm mohawk. That mohawk would look

Your Ravenna and Maleficent buddy movie and my Thelma and Louis (Sigourney Weaver/Ellen Ripley and Angela Bassett as Storm team up and fly away in a space ship instead of driving off a cliff at the end) movie both sound amazing.

I will say that Kurylenko was a total badass in Centurion. If she bulked up, I think she could pull it off, though Yung has some potentially very fierce features if she bulked up, too.