
I used to have my website through them but transferred it elsewhere when I heard their crappy stance on revenge porn sites.


Yeah, back in college (a couple years before the first film) my friends and I "cast" the Xmen and Angela Basset was Storm hands down. I seriously think this was one of the BIGGEST missed opportunities of Hollywood ever. AND she could have TOTALLY rocked Storm's old mohawk look....such a waste!! And then somehow

I wish we could retcon her into the xmen movies and oust Halle Berry as Storm. No offense to Ms. Berry, but Angela Bassett IS Storm. IS IS IS IS.

Ah, I went as Little Dead Riding Hood once, too! Yay for murdered fairytales! I also have specific albums I must listen to throughout all of October (alot of Sisters of Mercy and My Dying Bride and the Buffy soundtrack) and I have an itinerary of movies I have to watch - usually take a couple days off work to movie

That was exactly the same sitch with Elphie - the vet called and told me how much the surgery was going to cost and then seemed stunned when I asked what his survival chances were. I had no way of paying for it, but still, I would have done SOMETHING had there been a chance. He told me what the kidney levels needed

His litter mates could have a different daddy since cats are biologically awesome/crazy that way. My cat opens cabinets, gets in them, then can't get out and loudly against the door until we go let him out. So weird, because he can open the bedroom and bathroom door quite easily...

Ugh, I'm so sorry. I had a similar nightmare with my cat Elphaba who I also was told was female (I already had a male so I specifically asked to adopt a female). Thing that doubly sucked is that I was fairly sure something was missed in the examination and that she was actually a he (I didn't thoroughly look and

Tuxedos totally rule! I had a black and white tux who totally could make the case for being a familiar - seriously, we were attached at the hip - he came to classes with me in college - just chilled outside until class ended and even though it'll be five years next month since he's been gone, I still dream about him

This guy.

Perhaps the most telling difference between cats and dogs: When dogs lie on their backs, exposing their bellies it's a sign of submission or acquiescence. When cats do it it's either a trap or so they can be more comfortable while they eviscerate their hapless opponent, as exhibited by jungle kitten here. A second

some jagoff on Io9 just called me silly and pretentious because I was echoing these sentiments in the comments of their review. I was agreeing with another viewer that I had been initially really excited about the season because of Basset, Bates, and Lang, also New Orleans and the Witchcraft theme but now I was torn

are those all dobies?? surely this video will finally convince my bf that dobies are the way to go! thank you Jezebel/Interwebs!

To a certain extent I really get what you're saying. And it is called American HORROR Story, so yeah, it's definitely meant to kick one in the diaphragm. On the other hand, rape and sexual abuse have become SUCH go-tos for plot devices whenever someone wants to make their character "strong", righteously vengeful, or

Can Ryan Murphy be ANY MORE OBVIOUS?? death by vagina...goodgrief. And because he can't have a season of AHS without rape, (again what's your problem dude??) he decides to open the show with it? There absolutely will be folks who won't turn in for episode two, but might have stuck around had something as awful as

um, how about Fairuza Balk as herself since she played both The Worst Witch and crazypants Nancy in the The Craft. And then she played Dorothy, Notorious Witch-Killer in Return to Oz as well. She should get a cameo in this season of American Horror Story based on her commitment to witchy tropes.

When I was a kid, my cat Acorn was a total bagaholic and I remember once while I was inside my house I heard all this honking on the street directly outside. Suddenly, I remembered that I had seen a paper bag outside by the curb earlier that day but had not picked it up to throw it out (cause I was 12 and it wasn't

"load into my bed"...is his bed a pez dispenser?? This dude's brain processes are just weird. I mean, if he really thinks love life is dictated by stereotypes then caring for a rescue bunny would, if anything, attract MORE ladies (again, if stereotypes ring true) who'd be all...aw, isn't it so sweet that you saved a

"(Whisper "Stevie Nicks and Prince used to date" five times into a bowl of water and all of your clothes will magically turn to leather and lace.)"