
haha, yeah, what's UP with that?? I actually hate yogurt and blame it for my hatred of strawberries and bananas as a combo and people seem shocked when I say that because I'm a girl. Even my boyfriend - everytime he suggests we make more yogurt smoothies, I have to be all I AM NOT GOING TO EAT SOMETHING I DON'T LIKE.

"rope of Holy Yogurt". I like how that's capitalized like it's a real thing. On the other hand, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

"...which aggressively pushes for sexual and reproductive health and rights for girls around the world while representing its 10 million members,” Saladin told anti-abortion website LifeNews.

If they only dropped the "on" from Burleson and replaced it with an "esque", there'd be no problem here, amirite? KIDDING! sorry - someone had to go there. But yeah, I don't have kids, and I can understand the MOMENTARY double take that many have when seeing a woman breastfeed in public, but then you get your shit

The best thing I got from this article, honestly, is that people still link Wednesday Addams with the Aristotelian Unitities (that were so lacking in Gary's Thanksgiving play) :) PS, Lindy - you're Troll Article was so dead on, but I couldn't comment on it because I was so busy nodding my head that I was too dizzy to

I can't give you anything but love, babyyy....

it's from both :)

Yeah, I guess I'm not very familiar with radical feminism at all. However, I am familiar with the emotion that can fuel their rage and that generally stems from, among other reasons, my own personal experience walking down the street as a woman made to feel like my whole personhood is reduced to the sum of my

I don't really know when and where feminism, even radical feminism ever espoused violence. I've seen more incidences of Greenpeace acting aggressive (though not violent) in the media than any incidence of radicalized feminists coming together to beat down men. Most feminists I know love men, date men, marry men, or

I think there's a problem with every radicalism...environmentalism is another one that gets a bad name or not taken seriously because of the radicals involved...It's a shame because radical anything just undermines what everyone is trying to work toward for the good of that cause. Extremism can be very damaging, but

Well, I think that's the fear for people who don't really understand feminism. They think we want to supplant patriarchy with matriarchy because we are fighting so hard for women. I see what you're saying, but the simple reason feminists are so actively working to help women is because on the most fundamental level,

Wow, this exactly what I was saying to a friend yesterday after she sent me an article about a bunch of young, female celebs who do not identity themselves as feminist because they clearly don't know what it means to be one and very obviously are afraid they'd be labeled as man-haters. It made me really sad for them

YES to all of this...Also, with her need to punish Tyrion I also get that she was a grieving hella upset mom at that moment so definitely not the most objective detective. But yeah, she gets sooo much ire from readers and so much awfulness in terms of plot twists from Martin and it makes me think that there are a lot

man, that's like the first post ever I've seen in defense of Cat Stark, and I'm glad I read it. She gets allllll the hate and it always blows my mind. Yes, I hate how she treats Jon (but since it's likely Ned isn't even his father, Ned could have done alot to fix this). Yes, I wish she hadn't been so on about Tyrion

The book is awesome!! I have warrior rabbit tattoos because of it and my boyfriend printed up a specialty shirt for me that reads: Watership Down, it's about bunnies. Honestly, it's a great summer read, a slow beginning, but it really builds into a beautiful character driven story with so much loving detail crafted

oh hell, I'm too distracted by the perfect way his sideburns join his jawline and cheekbones to even remember what this article was about....

yeah, I LOVE Watership to the point where I find reasons to quote it and folks have always tried to get me to read The Plague Dogs, but the very subject matter makes me choke up so I think I will stick to my bunnies silflaying in the sunshine!

Yeah, so this is kinda spoilery but that movie literally created a character for the purpose of killing her off AND also brutally changed up the ending so that a bunny that LIVES in the books gets his effing THROAT ripped out by the Big Bad. Crazy right? I mean, you'd think the cartoon would be less graphic and more

Old Yeller, The Yearling, Where the Redfern Grows, The Red Pony, Beyond Rope and Fence, Black Beauty (where at least it's only the supporting horsies who bite it), Beautiful Joe, and NO FRIGGING THANKS TO THAT SADISTIC cartoon movie version of Watership Down which kept me from reading what is now my all time favorite

AHHHH!!!! I used to volunteer there in college!! I'm so glad Raindance, Armani, Jumanji, and Ares are all still alive and awesome as that was 15 years ago and none of them were kits at the time. I know that my personal favorite kitty there, a cougar named Glory Glory has since passed away (she was born with a kidney