
This makes me feel pretty good about the oneway ticket from DC to Seattle I purchased minutes ago. Although, I actually do dig the alientasticness of the specialty brood cicadas, I'm not a huge fan of insects in general, so I'm psyched to leave all but the lightning bugs behind (I'll miss you lightning bugs!!). I

oops, I think I knew that - I know I've definitely seen him in a couple Australian flicks...

Yes, Claudia Kishi for the win! She might have only worn one big earring, remember, along with a smaller thematically related earring - Like one that's a dangling beehive and the other a small bumblebee. Or you know a constellation of dangling stars and a crescent moon. Also, I was in Target the other day (buying

Holy Shit - I was thinking this exact thing today!!!!

Ironically, this is probably the only means of education most of those kids will get about their own body parts. I don't imagine their "sex ed" teachers will even give them a headsup that there is such a thing as a clitoris. Sigh.

Beavis and Butthead level? congratulations on your disdain for actual satire and wit delivered with actual wit.

I love that you included the cute and innocent link of young Noah Taylor. He's always been like the British version of John Hawkes to me. And though he's doing pretty well as a smarmy villain in GoT, I'd always rather root for him as the unlikely awkward hero.


me too. I guess we could explain that io9 and Jezebel are sister sites, but clearly he just wanted to call people "feminazis" and be hateful from the safety of his basement.

yep...I grew up in the Catholic church and always felt like the Sisters of Mercy were definitely doing all the work whilst never getting any of the props.

All I got from this is that there is such a thing as the Salt Institute. I have found my people!

You know, I was thinking this same thing yesterday after stumbling on a legit website (as in not the Onion) where some dickbag wrote an essay on how rape is "much more gentler" than it used to be and how acquaintence rape shouldn't be that big a deal by today's standards, and that the feminists created rape

As if all your awesome fuck the pope responses weren't enough to make me smile for days, now I'm set for the weekend. Keep rockin' it, sister!


Yes! That's seriously the crux of what's wrong with this religion today. I also grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school. And it is rife with COMPLACENCY. Half the people don't care enough to effect positive change because they are not personally affected by the church's isolationist and medieval policies. The

My mom is a Catholic school teacher; she does depend on the Catholic Institution as an umbrella corporation for her paycheck, and similarly to Walmart employees who may be the hardworking proletariat of the their corporation, she makes what would be minimum wage compared to teachers in public school while the dudes in

I don't know any more about it factually, but I definitely was wondering the same thing based on some of the quotes listed in the above and in another Jezebel poster's comments after the Wizard of Oz article. I guess it could also be wishful thinking on my part that he was a brutal satirist rather than a hateful

Your father is an awesome awesome man :)

can I come and can we invite Aisha Tyler??