I am dying - you are a genius, hahahaha.
I am dying - you are a genius, hahahaha.
The article references assaults during combat training, not "in the event of capture" scenarios. And clearly, if it's referring to "bad decision-making" it's a pretty safe assumption the writer is really just discussing men and women who are supposed to be on the same side, unless it's supposed to be extra okay to…
I understand what you're saying, but I can't help but wonder if he was just "punished" by his peers at college, he might just write them off as "stupid priveleged coeds" who would, of course, be "scandalized" by what his oped is saying as he obviously thinks of himself as better than them, at least more astute, anway.…
AHHH!!!! OMG THANK you for posting this!! I was so excited at that bit moment when Ron was sort of dancing and doing his nyan cat headshake!!! RONSWANSONFOREVER!
Is it 'the real question'? Or is it just trolling from someone who has no interest in partaking of this site or discussion in the first place....
yeah, todd akin clearly walked into a liberal trap when he voluntarily declared his ignorance of basic human biology. Marjorie Dannenfelser's comment is akin to saying to calling the right's problems with women a distraction engineered by the liberal media...she may as well work for fox news.
ya know, my last name is uncommon enough that it SUPER sucks to have to share it with that woman :(
LIKE! now we need a real live version of a polar bear dog....
um, it's clearly sarcasm.
I'm not against the second amendment per se - I'm against gun enthusiasts using it as a blanket excuse to act like their hobby doesn't result in copious amounts of death if gone wrong (whether by accident or because of evil or sick people) and to shut down all discussion of better controls, stricter laws, and frankly…
You really think people owning semi-automatic weapons is keeping the government's tyrannical impulses in check? You really think that? I'm sure the government is cowed by Ted Nugent and his ilk, yeah. And that last statement is equally laughable when you look at the statistics of death by guns in today's minority…
There's some confusion here and if it's all on me, I apologize - I thought you were reiterating/supporting that comment not turning it around on him/her. I thought you were stating Yee was just following the partyline and not saying anything reasonable - my total bad.
Really? Countering the argument that armed guards would save the day with the FACT that there was an armed guard at Columbine makes no sense to you? Asking the NRA to help be part of the solution to the widespread proliferation of UN-FUCKING-NECESSARY semi-automatic weapons that cut small children into pieces is…
You shouldn't give yourself such a bad wrap, I'm sure you would never write off someone's reasonable debate because you saw only the words Democrat and Republican jumping out of those comments.
Not only that - but the constitution was written at a time when people (er, white men) could legally own other human beings!! I mean, how is that never taken into account when people are talking about our forefather's grandiose intentions for this country or their unwavering devotion to liberty? The British aren't…
I agree with you. Both my brother and mother are teachers; there should definitely be room for both. I guess I just jump on the role model thing as having to come in two models - one for girls and one for boys....as an aside - it was driving me crazy that Katniss Everdeen was being touted as a new kind of role model…
Why can't female teachers be good role models for both little girls and little boys? I think the teachers who died last Friday are pretty much good role models for human beings in general. Role models shouldn't be gender specific, that's part of the problem and one of the driving evils of that crazy shit's assertions…