agreed - the whole episode is filled with Michonne observing the humanity of Rick's group - which is why it was kind of dumb that Rick immediately went for jabbing her in the leg wound to answer questions about maggie and glenn - I rewatched the episode later and it's like he didn't even give her a second to answer -…
Thanks - while I do agree with others that it likely *would* happen quite frequently in most post apocalyptic kinda sucks that we all should expect to see it on our escapist zombie show and think the absence of it is some g-rated cop-out - I mean, TONS of messed up shit has happened to all the characters…
franks and braiiiinnnns...I mean beans!
But it didn't make sense for the governor to rape her - he was there to get information, not sex and not to get his personal kicks from hurting/exploiting someone, he threatened her with it and she resigned herself to it and told him to do whatever he was going to do - meaning she wasn't going to tell him what he…
V was not only laughable but it was soooo irritating to me that writers got paid to put that on tv...ugh. However, the finale did include Tyler getting his throat ripped out midcoitus, so there was that...
But isn't the threat of it enough? I mean, she was made to strip down under threat of death to herself and her loved one...made completely and totally vulnerable. And if the point of this exercise was to get information, then there really isn't much point in following through with actual rape in that context when she…
yeah, and his dog was still lying there having been dead for some time. guy was just nuts - probably was feeding his dog imaginary food when he ran out and still talking to him like he was alive.
For what purpose? For your entertainment? Because it's "good writing", more "realistic" (in a world full of zombies)? And did you mean copped out? "The rape should've went through" - you make the brutal violation of a human being's body for your entertainment sound like a credit card charge.
It should be Maggie who puts a bullet in the Governor's head. She was the one humiliated and literally stripped down to complete vulnerability. She was the one forced to betray her father and stepsister and the others for fear of Glenn's life. It should be her.
Rob, you entire paragraph about Maggie's near rape and the divergence from the comics is spot-on. I was REALLY hoping they would decide to forgo the rape stuff in lieu of basic zombie threats and torture, but as that scene slowly came on...ugh. When he took of his gun belt, I thought, shit...they're really going to…
my mistake; I thought we were having a discussion based exactly on comments you made and then exploring further into the subtext of what would be the point of including rape for reasons other than shock value. If you want to talk about extrapolation of what's not there: "I'm not sure what you are arguing. Do you…
as you said, we're talking entertainment. and rape should not be entertaining. it's shitty, and cliche. as you also said - so many shows, good and bad, have used it before, why go there? to show that the world is brutal and nihilistic? we have a good idea of that already. to grow the characters "strength"? Lame and…
Yeah, i do like that Carol seems to have some potential coming out of left field considering what she's been through (even before the zombies and losing Sophia) never seen before. I like that she was actually getting pretty flirty with Darryl in the season opener. Maggie's great, Michonne is great. But yeah, Andrea…
if it's cringe-worthy they're going for, they're doing just fine with Andrea's dialogue and choices...:)
Yes! That last scene with Michonne and a shopping basket full of baby formula was sooo freaking great. One of these things is not like the other.....haha, it was kind of a stunning visual.
That's an interesting twist - Glenn getting tortured instead. I've been wondering if the writers might choose to keep rape out of it...hoping anyway. It's an admittedly brutal world, and the threat of that is pretty ever-looming for all the female characters especially...I just don't want to watch it. Would rather…
I've always had walking dead dreams!! I used to have zombie dreams - sequential recurring ones that always played out like a tv show in my head, even including "commercial breaks" like me getting up to get some water in the middle of the night, and now that the walking dead is on, my dreams just go there every…
Given that their understanding of basic biology is below what can be found in an elementary school library, a childish level might be all we have to work with for these guys.