
It picked up right about the time Greystone started losing his company. But I thought on the back end, the terrorist training camp was rushed. They have that pretty sweet bit where they fake hijack the plane Lacy is on, and then the tension between the STO and the Church was pretty sweet, but all the sudden Lacy is

Caprica's ending was shaky, but it was also canceled mid season. I don't think it was intended to be a one and done, so when they found out it was taking on water they tried to rush through and wrap everything up. I've said it was rushed, but if it had a chance to develop over several seasons it could have been great.

Okay, I reversed the eye color. Like I said I'm not a forum guy. Heard it second hand. But a quick google search sees the eye color drama mentioned on several different sites. It was a thing.

Let me clue in you on the type of viewer I am.

It needed to slow down and really develop the worlds. I agree it would have benefited from being a stand alone show, mainly because of the bsg hate that was growing on the internet. If there hadn't been the ridiculous backlash, it would have had a better chance. Sci-fi shows blossom and die all the time, but growing

The child actor had blue eyes and people pitched a fit about it cause admiral adama had brown eyes in bsg.... That was a thing right? I remember it as one but I could be wrong.

Now playing

I think I've consistently stated that I don't care about what happened in the writers room. I care about what happened on the show. If I haven't been clear on this point then I apologize. As far as I'm concerned Tyrol never fathered a child. It was hotdogs kid. But since you continue to speak with absolute authority

Don't mention the color of william adama's eyes either. Don't do it.

Lol. Dude do you live in a closet at some sci-fi channel production studio? How do you know what all these writers thought about the shows they worked on. Were you strategically positioning yourself around the coffee pot in the break room?

Do you see the difference between making Tyrol a robot in BSG, a show that included people possibly being robots as a major plot element, and making Riker a robot, in a show where that was never in play?

Low ratings as compare to what other sci-fi shows. I really don't know the numbers but I'd always assumed BSG was one of their more successful shows. Why would they try a spin off of a show that wasn't drawing many people in?

I'm actually surprised he could distract you with the plan, seeing he'd already made the worst two seasons of television ever and lost all your respect.

Or he lied to conceal the twist that it never was Tyrol's son and save the surprise. When they asked him, So is Tyrol's son a hybrid, and then he say's no its not a hybrid, and they say, but Tyrol is a cylon, he'd have to respond with, it wasn't his kid.

Fair. Surprised I can spell any of them correctly.

I'm not a big star trek fan so you'll have to forgive my ignorance. Was it established that there were robots masquerading as humans and that there were still 5 models at large and that they might be sleeper models who have no clue they are robots? If that's the case then yeah, riker could've been a robot. If not,

Apollo and D was a bad pairing. I'll give you that. They didn't have much screen time together but they did have that year on the Pegasus. It could have been racetrack or kat. It wasn't

Were there responses to those revelations out of character? That's the question. Not whether you liked the plot twist. Whether their reactions to the plot twist were out of character. I don't think they were.

Of course it all comes down to Apollo and Starbuck not getting married. That's the true motivation beyond all this nitpicking and rationalization of your absurd overreaction to a shift in the direction of the series. To A/S shippers it was personal which is where talk of betrayal comes from. Now that I've addressed

How didn't the ending fit the characters? Are we still upset that Tyrol was a cylon? How did Tyrol act in the end that seemed outside of the character established in the series? What did he do?

Here's the issue I see.
You didn't like the end product. You were looking forward to something happening, and they chose to go another direction. Fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it is only your opinion. You can just stop trying to prove why your opinion is correct, by pulling all this ridiculous