
I really liked the way they handled the Starbuck kid situation. That was the biggest mind fuck in the history of television mind fucks. Huge oh shit moment and really cemented Leoben as the coolest cylon. To drag it back up and have her adopt the kid would have taken some of the sting out of that crazy burn. It would

What plot lines did they have to drop?

The religious angle, by which I mean they were following religious prophecy that was being fulfilled over the duration of the show, was just the start. It wouldn't have to mean real angels, but there was some kind of overriding power at play. Whether it was just destiny, or Vorlons, or the gods, or one god. That was

Also I don't know if you could consider it a true stand alone, since it starts the 3 killing herself to see the faces of the five which gets her boxed and then later unboxed to uncover the 5. So that pushes the plot along.

I thought Babylon 5 season 5 did a great job of resurrecting the show they had basically ended in season 4. Did you not like Hero because of the time line issues? I personally liked the episode. The bulldog character was good, and the 3s story line was pretty awesome.

They didn't hint angels. But the religious angle was there. There was the one true god that Cap Six was always referring to, or attributing all the things that happened to Baltar to. So that there was a God who was actively playing a part in their destiny was established, but never confirmed. If there was a God, it's

The angels and fate angle were set up just fine. If you introduce angels earlier in the show you have to give them some kind of enhanced role. You can't confirm that Baltar is talking to an angel and then have them continue to act in the same way. They'd have to find a new way to involve them.

You are consistent, but once you're reaching to find fault with a show that for some reason you seem to take very personally. He made a cylon bible and didn't put it into the show because he didn't think it met a certain standard of quality. That's a good thing. It's a rough draft. Maybe he didn't have time to really

Yeah, from my notifications. Maybe that is my issue.

I like the boxing. I like the Adama fight. I just hated the Lee and Starbuck match. That was the biggest problem and why it ended up sucking.

That is. And for that episode she was a major contributor to the suck. Nothing Sackhoff could do about that. I'm talking over the course of the show. I thought her arc including dying, and then coming back and especially how she handled coming back when she started screaming and breaking into Roslins quarters and

I don't think Starbuck ever felt about Lee the way he did about her. It was established that she was never able to be faithful in a relationship, probably because of the abuse. I think Lee wanted her to be his girlfriend, which is a lameass Lee thing to want. She was never going to be that. In the end he just wanted

The boxing episode just highlighted the drawn out, will they or won't they, Lee Starbuck dynamic. It just wasn't very interesting and ended with that lame in ring moment. When everyone walked away from them in disgust it pretty much summed up my feelings towards the Lee Starbuck angle and that episode. That's why I

I'm saying that responding to fan criticism is outside the scope of the creators duties. If there is a overwhelming negative response to the direction of the show, the network should cancel it. I don't believe it is possible for the creators to make adjustments to satisfy dissatisfied fans and that doing so leads to

Also.. how does Ron Moore respond to criticisms of season 4? In Season 5?

The Boxing episode was a horrible, horrible episode. I liked the piano lesson and the you're going the wrong way scenes.

It seems to me, from what you've said above, that you expect fans to be able to exert some kind of influence over the direction of a show? Constructive criticism should be apart of the create process when it comes from people involved in the creative process. The fan base of popular television shows is too large to

That is a ton of background I don't remember them explaining in the show. I just rewatched 4th season, I don't remember them going into that kind of detail. That being said the six explains that when they met the cylons they gave them resurrection technology in exchange for them abandoning further evolution, which I

The cylons developed in Caprica are unrelated to the skin job cylons. It says in BSG that the skin jobs had the rank and file cylons agree to inhibitors and to work under them, in exchange for resurrection technology. So at some point they meet and work out an alliance.

BSG season 3,4 was not a single hand print on a blank canvas. It had great moments and some really great drama. The plot may have wandered from where you thought it was headed but that doesn't mean they didn't put a good deal of effort into making good dramatic television. I'm sorry Tyrol was a cylon. You still