
In response to the video. Yeah that is fine with me. Placing something interesting and fitting it in. It's about the end product. I can dig it.

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I don't see how you think Anders couldn't have set up a forged past? How deeply do you think sports journalists are going to delve into some players past? He could have claimed to have been little sammy from your little league pyramid team who moved away when he was 11, and are you going to question that when 15 years

There was nothing to fix with Lee Adama. They wrote a great douche bag. He sucked from the moment he arrived on galactica to when they land on earth. Consistently and I believe purposefully.

Dualla would have made a good cylon. I always liked her as a character, and it would have been interesting to see if she was still had the meek and calming personality. She suffered from losing that Billy connection and got stuck with Lee, but she was still a solid character. Had a good relationship with Bill Adama

I fear there are people out there who thought Lee Adama would have been a great cylon. I can't worry about that.

As far as Saul Tigh's military service, one I could really give a shit as far as it affecting my enjoyment of the character and the show, two why do you need Officer recommendation when you have Bill Adama dragging you up with him?

You don't think Saul Tigh made a great cylon? Are you serious? You sit here and lament how lame ass Lee Adama didn't have anything to do in third season and then complain about the best plot twist in the whole show? Why shouldn't the final five have shock value? They were building that shit up forever. Why would they