
How about “Harmegeddon”?

I do not blame them one bit. The vitriol spewed at her is vile and toxic — and absolutely racist in many cases. Getting out of the line of fire and away from a country that loves to openly and viciously hate some of its public figures is brilliant. I love that they are taking this step to dial down their royal profile

Kanye West celebrated the first anniversary of his Sunday Service  tax avoidance grift

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”

Additionally, in a statement to CBS News, Callaway’s lawyer stated that he, “did not act with any criminal intentions” and that “Tommy is a loving husband and father.” Of course, how much he loves his wife and children is irrelevant to Callaway’s inability to keep his hands to himself. And besides, Bozarjian isn’t

Savannah Bridge Run entry fee: $25

Imagine the scene, it’s the year 2000, Ivanka is 19 and Tiffany is 7. For some strange reason, Tiffany is over at Trump Tower and bored out of her skull. Some underpaid Mexican servant puts Gene Wilder’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on the TV.

Beyond disappointed that 1) they even gave him this platform, 2) they were so soft on his ass and 3) that Tiny was there instead of Deyjah’s biological mom.

Long-time reader, sporadic poster here. This Dirtbag reads like the Dirtbags of yore! I don’t know who half of these people are, but the depth of these write-ups is what I like to see! I also appreciate your tone in the Taylor Swift opener. That was a great explanation and showed empathy for her circumstances. Nicely

Jason Momoa is brown Fabio.


That is absolutely just fucking gross. 

Can't Hold Us Down is everything.

Look, “Fighter” still slaps.

I LOVE Stripped.

If you still support Kanye West you deserve to be swindled out of your money while the rest of us laugh at your misfortune.

I just can’t with people who say shit like “my personal truth” or “my journey”. Fuck off.

I’ve been marveling at Cinder block all day! You go girl! Or don’t! It’s all good, kitty.

Hey it’s really disappointing that you don’t offer subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. I always looked forward to reading these submissions and the winning stories but now that they’re done in video format, you’ve excluded at least one portion of your audience. As a website that prides themselves on being