
Jezebel clearly has enough ad revenue to get better and more recent stock photography of Britney. It’s the same set of pictures of her every time, looking like shit.

Well she could just changer her skin tone.

Can you put him in one of your prisons in the US? We really don’t want him back on Irish soil. He’s a joke and a national embarrassment.

That’s not how consent works. She may have consented to coming onstage, but that was it and consent can be withdrawn at any time. She didn’t consent to him getting all up on her and she definitely didn’t consent to him grabbing her personal property and destroying it.

She could have had her phone out for any number of

I love Rihanna, and I was really looking forward to this.  But what were you watching? She played the hits. Great. No costume changes, no great choreography. She barely moved. Her outfit was…not great. Sounds like she wore it to cover her pregnancy. No guest stars that joined in with her. Nowhere near Beyoncé level

As a teen of the 90s, we staunchly defended this creep’s version of artistry. Just because someone had a violent, Satanic, stage persona did not make him a bad guy. We all felt so cool and grownup that we got this esoteric concept.

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see Jezebel stop hating Anne Hathaway.

Random Handsome Ceramic Loving Man

Could also be that she’s just a dipshit.

Some of these comments about Demi seem a bit harsh. One can be both insufferable and mentally ill.

Part of what made Momoa so hot was being committed to an older woman.  He has lost at least 20% of his hotness because it really made up for him being such a bro/himbo.

Yeah, she’s unfortunately the poster child for “How you got him is how you’ll lose him.

No. Life does not have to be weird. Let yourself imagine having nice things.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Seriously. I work with a bunch of French people and I can guarantee you while she is wringing her hands about doing all the “good” work, they are outside smoking, texting their lovers and saying, “I can’t believe zis American eediot is doing all our work for us! What should we get for lunch?”

For a wealthy woman Kathy Hilton always looks cheap.

OK, look, there’s very few things that get me upset, but that hand stitching is AWFUL. Look at those seams. An invisible stitch isn’t hard, I learned it as a child. And did she even use an embroidery hoop? look at all that puckering!

PLEASE include either the National Suicide Prevention Hotline or some other relevant resource when posting articles that discuss suicide or self harm. It is genuinely not that hard. It seems that Jezebel has fully committed to not including this information on recent articles addressing suicide.

Its definitely “white person travels,” but its more about educating how places outside of the US approach living a more eco-conscious lifestyle. Like, using geothermal energy in Iceland and how Paris keeps their tap water so clean and accessible, etc. I don’t think it came across as

I think John Travolta would be a better Epstein, he already has the air of creepiness about him.