
you can have a mental illness AND be an asshole. They are not mutually exclusive.

As someone who’s not a big fan of the show, I’d love an entire series of Queen I Don’t Give A Fuck.

Affleck’s best movie was Dogma.

Ghislaine Maxwell is the Cool Girl of pedophilia and sex trafficking.

I used to work at a stable. You have to be pretty careful about which horses you put in a paddock together. The horses that pretty much get along fine with everyone? Geldings, AKA castrated males. There’s a lesson for politics in there somewhere.

I second this, articles like this that are basically just a video are the worst :/

Is it possible to get a non-video version of the article? Would love to participate in the discussion. 

There are other articles that have quotes where he is trying to sound like a tragic victim of a manipulative gold digger but just comes off like a narcissistic fool. WHY would he do this to himself??

My first thought immediately. I used to teach lessons and no way in hell was anyone ever getting on a horse in one of my classes without a helmet.

I know it’s not as common in Western riding, but I really wish they were wearing helmets. The kid in particular. Both for safety and to set an example, given the obscene reach of KK’s influence.

I’ve never watched the Twilight movies and I am sure they are terrible and ridiculous.

“I’m a misogynist and I don’t want these lil niggas treating my daughter like I treat her momma.” -T.I

There’s this one bastard’s face I want to punch... every time I walk past the mirror.

Im all about giving moms the benefit of the doubt, and if I saw this in person I honestly wouldn’t bat an eye (and might ask if she needs a hand). But the fact that shes posting it on Instagram seems weird? 

Now playing

I really wish I could wake up and be back in 2009.

US deaths from COVID-19: 0

I’m growing mine out. For context I’ve got naturally black hair and blue eyes, and my hairdresser insisted that the best way to cover my grey (probably 40%) was to go blonde. So for the last couple of years it has been highlighted every 6 weeks, taking upwards of 6 hours every time, costing ££££. It looked awful and I

Hot take: Billie Eillish’s “look” is trash and so is her music. 

This guy does not give a single glorious fuck.

I still say the most reasonable solution is to eat them all.