
Y’all can try, but nothing is going to beat that “Look at me” story from a few years ago. That one fucked me UP.

1996: Frenemy and I stayed up all night on coke. At one point she tearfully confessed that she’d fucked my boyfriend shortly after he and I had started dating - not because she liked him, but because she was “jealous.”

As someone who was once in a paid triad with a rich, jealous, quasi senile old man, can confirm that this book was 💯 in its truthiness. Enough so that the aforementioned man threw it across the room at about the 1/4 mark, and insisted we all discuss how much Hef was wronged by the author.

A few years ago, some of the Playboy models went public on what life was like with Hugh Hefner. He was going deaf so they laughed at him openly during sex and he had no idea.

Why in the fuck are you still calling her Emily Doe when her book is literally titled with a plea to call her by her real name?

Plural of anecdote is not “data.”

Ok, cool.  But can we please get a Man from U.N.C.L.E sequel now?  That movie was awesome and the best spy action movie of the decade.  

I am no legs and ALL torso (might as well be a walrus with flippers tbh), let me have my moment~

why not? I mean, there’s only just one movie.

Yes, and wasn’t this the same person promoting Molly and other recreational drugs not too long ago?

I hope next year, they cool it with the Elisabeth Moss staring into the camera shots.

If you’re surprised by has suicide, think how surprised he was!

I suppose he shot himself in the head… Twice.


“He is clearly a candidate for not just college but probably for a good college,” Troiano reportedly said. According to the Times”

Now that's a crossover I didn't know I was looking for. 

It’s kind of a mess of a trailer. It feels like they made 3 cuts and then took parts to make one but all in all it’s cute. I’m still hurt it isn’t Lucy Liu with my girl, Drew, Cameron D and Destiny on the track.

Your film shoot horror story is that you were a jerk to a group of PAs who were just doing their jobs?

RE: Ariana....I think I once watched a thing about how they make these and they involve 3D scans of the person. Is it possible that this is closer to what she looks like without contouring make-up and while being told to hold still for the scan? The face shape is what’s throwing me off (along with the joyless

When my ex confessed that he never loved me and never wanted to be with me and only said what I wanted to hear to be in a relationship with me, I gave him back literally everything he gave me. All the way down to a newspaper article he tore out for me to the gloves his parents bought me to the flowers he gave me.