
seems like just yesterday we were all sitting around thinking, “she named her kid Apple?” Also, the actual age I was while having that conversation. 

Wow. Didn’t like...all of us, literally all of us, sit in the theater and all think at the same time “He’s gonna say it...he’s GONNA SAY IT!!”

OK I know this has been said 1000 times but god the colors of the original movie are just so much better

The original film had white actors like Irons, Matthew Broderick, and Moira Kelly taking on the roles of African characters, which has been criticized.

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

800+ years.

When I was about 15, so maybe 1996(?), I was in Florence, Italy at the height of summer. I was a chubby, out of shape teen, and had just climbed a truly epic set of stairs to the top of some famous building. I was sweating as only a chubby American with a 12-minute mile time in gym can do, and gasping for air. The

I’ve only watched the pilot episode, but I think I can summarize it all so far based on the cultural zeitgeist. I’m sure someone will correct me if I get things wrong.

Sean Bean is a good, honorable person who dies because of politics.

SaintHeartWig doesn’t like his women in comic book movies to act arrogant/smart/clever like his men in comic book movies.

What other planets have their own super powered team defending them? I’ll wait. What wack ass argument are you trying to make here? She wasn’t rude, flippant, or disrespectful. Like Rhodey is SNARKY as FUCK and no one says anything but I get it. A lot of you people have really showed your asses since Captain Marvel

My best friend is a high school counselor. The things that even “regular” parents pull astounds me. I literally dropped my jaw the other day listening to one of her stories.

“Mummy, you’ve destroyed my life! I shan’t speak to you ever again! Now....give me this week’s sack of money immediately!”

Now playing

Strong? Tucci? I thought that was Vin Diesel! Wait, isn’t this movie Pitch Black Pt. 2?

I’m 45 and got my boobs at 14 so I win! Megan is 100% correct! Just reach around and hook it in the back like a grown up.  I will gladly die on my hills.

congrats to us for knowing HOW BRAS WORK 

If your band is so tight that turning it 180 degrees gives you rug burn, you’re wearing the wrong size bra!!

thank you for bravely standing up for what’s right!!!!!!!!!!