
I believe he can lie.

Can we please not forget he dropped his pregnant girlfriend for Khloe?  Khloe!!!! STOP!  He’s a piece of shit.  Woods did not break up your fam.

This Tristan/Jordyn thing has Kris Jenner’s fingerprints all over it.

All the small things.

...oh. I thought it was this other line

Your point is buried under the fact that he hits on teenage girls and literally addressed his speech “To the kids”. I’m severely disappointed in this

Counterpoint: Drake and his creepy grooming ass can fuck all the way off.

Hah my thought exactly. Can we get some consistency please? Dafuq?

Half the time you people are complaining he screws underage women, and now you are complaining that he doesn’t get to speak.

I wasn’t in the room and that about brought me to tears. I wish we didn’t live in a world where almost every woman I know has a story like this. 

While you’re probably right, it may just be that her drink of choice hits her particularly hard. For example, if I drink more than one glass of wine, and sometimes just one, I’m definitely going to have a headache in the morning. On the other hand, I can put down 5 or 6 beers and be just fine. It’s a good thing I like

Subjective, but I’ve found celibacy from most things to be quite boring.

corset-wearers generally lived longer than the average life expectancy for the time periods.

Maybe it’s because I’m old, but “Thank U Next” seems affectionate and appreciative to me, like, not at all mean to her exes?

He called her a “G”, I don’t think he’s mad...

1.Gender is a social construct.

Nothing about this face is normal given the 4-5 plastic surgeries she’s had. I loved her when she first came out; her messaging, her confidence, her ability to inspire me to feel good about myself despite my imperfections.

Then the surgeries started and now I think she’s no better than your average insecure instagram

You’re reading too much into it, they’re just paying by the pound.  Rocks are heavy, Blunts are not.

This is a Bad Take.