
So I think we players probably underestimate how capital H Hard it would be to improve the engine and combat…but it does feel kinda weird to me that Ubi hasn't reacted better to some of these criticisms which frankly have been dogging the series since it first appeared. Hell, pre-release even, depending what lessons

Go for 4. I'm personally too vulnerable to wanting to complete the utter busywork in every game, so I'm not the best one to follow for these things maybe, but I think in 4 has less of it (or more variety of it) and the tide has turned a little about the frame story, and the developers kinda know it's argle bargle and

I really liked Casino Royale, thought it was the best Bond movie in years. But I also learned while watching it that I wanted less brooding—even if I thought it was very effective brooding.

Hmm, between the questions of mean jokes the whole range of them and even Norm McDonald's take on them—I'm thinking of how most prank calls really just sound like customer service people trying really hard to be nice to me—and the way this interview ends and the fact that yeah, I can't think of a comedian incognito

Ha! Politely disagree. He is consistently not a great storyteller. He might not care about that.

Hmm, I thought I agreed, but I've found I'm okay with both things more or less—somewhat unexpectedly.

My cousin didn't give Clem food that time and I still give her flack for that. Doesn't she know apples are her favorite!?

I can never tell if everything he makes is a noble failure (for the ambition) or a failure failure.

I saw the Farnsworth Invention, which Sorkin wrote, and was really entertained by it. Philo Farnsworth, who invented the tech that RCA went on to make tvs with dies alcoholic and in obscurity. The family of course, says otherwise. Plus he won multiple lawsuits, got payouts and has a statue for him.

I did! It was cool! Also very appealing in college way since it was movies paired with a lecture—though the assigned reading always covered the same ground. Still, always engaging. We worked through his Gunfighter Nation basically.

I like the books—her characters themselves, are the strongest part—but I think the universe is saddled with a lot of ideas that don't hold up extrapolated up past their original point of making the world exciting for kids. The Wizard world is just kind of a thoughtless, ethicless, materialistic society. The house

Wait, two people wrote "Robots punch monsters?", 'cause there wasn't much else to Pacific Rim.

Considering wizards couldn't figure out how phones or cars work, the muggles could've wiped the floor with Voldemort with a SWAT team. I always assumed the prime minister and the world's governments figured pretending to wizards they didn't know about them would be easier than explaining magic to everyone else.

Meek's Cutoff should've been exactly my bag—well acted, great pov, but constantly slow. I dunno, it was a short story, not a feature. The Iraq War metaphor was pretty weak too (something the filmmaker was explicit about her intent).

Yeah, how people "read" to casting agents and the general audience definitely has a large affect. It's amazing how invisible all the plate-setting media does is.

Naw, he spun it that way to get the attention. He applied to over twenty schools and still only got into one. Pretty weak stuff.

I looked it up myself to see how "official" use would have it. I guess the context I've encountered it in always came attached to it as a specific geographic region.

I usually see it used to refer to people from the actual Euroasian area, so I've mostly seen it used like South Asian or East Asian. I think the way you've used it makes sense, but the region and it's makeup is distinct enough that when I see the term I think specifically of that area and being from their cultural or

I feel like this is a safe space to say that I have—at least the first one. I remember almost nothing about it other than that it went toward really high fantasy. He rides a dragon and they fly so high he sees the curvature of the planet? It was actually weird that the fact that when the relative low fantasy of movie

Whatever else people think of him, Liefeld honestly kinda sounds like a great boss. He's super supportive of the people who work on his comics, he's open to whatever takes people have, and given the roster, I assume he pays fairly.