
This is one of those movies where I want to know the producers' names and everyone else who greenlit it, and just shake my head at them. Like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies it seems like a good enough premise for a few days of comics—not a movie or anything else.

What do you have against Middle Village?

I just had some goat griot at a Haitian restaurant with grits and black beans. It was divine.

You're certainly more specific, and I appreciate that, but uh, that's pretty much the ground of the article too. You know it wasn't an endorsement to start eating them more, right?

I've had some really good frog legs once—they were very lightly cooked and had a great texture. It wasn't super distinctive, but enough with the mouthfeel that I'd have it again. I had a great gator dog outside the New Orleans art museum—that falls into preparation though. They took care of it so it wasn't tough at

The Shield! No one else talks about it! Walton Goggins, who's been incredible, must be due to get his own lead star turn if he wants it.

Tim Olyphant is remarkable for the ease he plays, while being coiled anger at all times.

I've had My Favorite Murder suggested to me multiple times and I'm not really put off by the topics at all, though I don't share the same level of enthusiasm. The rambly, super casual style though, doubled up with a "we don't research everything, so we don't really know" put me off completely though. Maybe they got

Roth is just kinda obtuse/tone deaf, really, whatever he means. It's why every review was confused with GREEN INFERNO—wait, you wanted to criticize slacktivism so you had characters who actually went somewhere die? I think he didn't mean HOSTEL to be xenophobic, but I see what people are reacting to. Torture and

The first one does feel a lot less nuanced. You kinda have to squint to make it just overall fatalist/everybody sucks.

I think Millar does what he does cause of the dollars. Miller seems to believe it.

I did this last time, but I'll mention it again. Padilha, the director of Elite Squad, made a documentary called Bus 174, that's like the scene with the two boys in City of God, but 2 hours long and real. I more or less don't think Snyder relates to violence in any kind of empathetic fashion (what Watchmen was missing

Hurm…does the voice/style change significantly between the stories? I liked her interview on Vulture quite a bit, I hated that poem that people have mentioned downthread, and the bit I've read in preview will either drive me insane or just tire me out (the elementary school one I guess) if it's all like that—but it's

Since I never did make it to the actual fight, I mostly saw a series of people traveling to a cabin or something? Not even given lines to read, and then everybody walks into a room or whatever, stands for a second in a very specific spot like one of those guess who pictures where there's a legend on the side to tell

I've only seen about 30 minutes total of it in an attempt to make it to the fight at the end…and mostly I thought, "wow, that's a lot of characters to fit on screen at the same time" and "these people aren't bad. there's nothing to work with, but that's about it." Except Taylor Lautner. He was kinda straight up bad.

Anyone here do an immersive theater experience (I have no idea if that's the term) like Sleep No More or basically any Haunted House, really…Attaching a distinct narrative—to experience or discover—to what is otherwise just walking around.

I consider it a mechanic descriptor mostly, though I guess it's an "insult" when I don't like it (Dear Esther, I mean you), or just a description when I do.

I think it's already going to continue as a Hulu series? And Idris Elba is still attached? Maybe not after this reception.

I'd say Triad Election to start. It has most of his hallmarks, the ace crew of actors, and is a pretty straightforward set up.

I agree with you, but (I mention this above in another comment) the director also made a documentary about an infamous incident in Brazil called Bus 174, which when paired up with the fact that he made Elite Squad is super interesting. Two strong different creations about violence in the real world rubbing against