
Oy, I get the 300 choice, but now I'm so much more interested in Elite Squad. Mind you, I think that movie should always be paired with his Bus 174 documentary. The newest Robocop was a terrible idea, but hiring Padilla made it have an inkling of interesting.

Hmm, that does sound more about Soderbergh than anything else—though it's true, she's not good. When she showed up in Deadpool and still had almost no lines, I despaired a little.

I don't really think myself their statement to back off is necessarily this full neutrality pose—it simply is hard to satirize Trump and you can do plenty without having him as a character. I also don't read any real animus about neutrality in the first comment, but I don't think neutrality is the same thing as

There's a certain attitude that adolescence can show up as in pride in cynicism—as though that things are flawed are a revelation—and that in more intellectualized circles comes out in being contrarian. The problem is that that's just another stance prone to ideologues. To prove you're smart you have to see through

I'm moderately excited, but if there's one thing I've learned from Marvel Netflix shows, it's not going to be packed. I still enjoy them (except Iron Fist, which I haven't watched), but they're all pretty loose, and are mildly obsessed with the traditional 13 episodes even when they don't have that much material.

It was hardly "Obama's congress" when Robin Williams committed suicide, because of politics. And it wouldn't have been discussed then, because of the same politics as now.

That's how I imagine it being handled. It doesn't seem worth it, to do it, but then, I suppose I already think was and still is systemic issues that abuse and subjugate black people.

I mean, I don't like it, it looks super dumb, but I'm guessing they trying to make fun of that?

I can't believe I'm saying this…I'd rather it be zombies.

This speaks to the diversity of people, but non-family eating was a strange thing to me as a kid, even in restaurants. My family's Chinese though we ate wider than just that, mostly at home and even if not cooked at home, food was frequently takeout and eaten at home. When we did go out we went to buffets, so a kind

I came here prepared for the "that's an obnoxious title but a more rounded article" set of comments, the writer doesn't title it, etc…but then it matched up perfectly. Truth in advertising at least.

So what percentage of that do they pay here?

I like how the part with the reporting, "I asked a few cooks at restaurants I frequent in Seattle," turned out an answer the writer didn't like so he responded with a denial.

That's true. It's actually got quite a bit of, this is an action sequence, ain't it? to it.

I'm not sure I go as far as sucks, but I liked Eastern Promises much more, which arguably had a weaker cast. I kind of think of History of Violence as slightly elevated pulp—it's possible I'm influenced by having read the source material.

Ugh. I knew they weren't going to do anything and it still made me sad.

I kinda get it. I think the action in Casino Royale is Bond evolved after the Bourne series, but 300…maybe 300 has mainly other Zack Snyder movies, but it sets a look.

I realized this is a weird thing to complain about in a genre not known for acting chops, but I've also found Donnie Yen to be really bad, sub-servicable until fairly recently. Like, I couldn't tell you why everything else being equal, i find nearly every other contemporary more watchable, but until the Ip Man series

I don't think he has much discretion, he's happy taking jobs that pay, but doesn't angle for a more heightened career.

Oh, I think people are probably being unfair (which doesn't mean she's good), but the way you can taste test a wine by serving it twice but say it's two kinds with different pedigrees, and the more expensive one wins. My favorite example is that Pandora apparently used to suggest Celine Dion a lot, but people hated