
I don’t know if this rates as “asshole,” but the fact that he apparently said no to Spielberg when the latter mentioned that Obama was asking if he could visit because it’d be two presidents on set. The first Black American president should’ve been able to visit... Mind, I don’t remember where I read this.

Eh, accents are pretty hard to learn and maintain. Part of acting naturally is pulling off as much as you can with little effort or muscle memory. Something like practicing in off hours makes total sense, and her maintaining the accent imposes little on others.

This looks quite a bit like the D&D Surface demo that appeared years ago—and while Microsoft didn’t translate that tech into a good consumer good, it was pretty cool.

Oh, agreed that HZD’s as a whole is all around better executed.

Wikipedia tells me her power has creeped up and she takes care of her emotions--it doesn’t seem central though.

Maybe they’ve changed it up since I read it regularily, but it’s always been more of a watch out if she gets angry because she’s powerful kinda thing--she’s known for her control and restraint.

Some restraint on a superhero is a character thing, but of the one’s you mentioned only Rogue’s and Wolverine’s berserker rage are regular things they have to watch out for. 

I prefer the Spider-Man game, but I can see where you’re coming from. (Though I didn’t take to the third Arkham game myself) Spider-Man is more iterative than innovative (Horizon Zero Dawn too, I think), but at least for me Spider-Man improves two things: one I prefer the world. I’m sure some of it is familiarity and

It’s the kind of thing I do naturally, but I learned how to “game” Citizen Sleeper pretty quickly. With one specialization and exploration, I don’t think I came close to starvation and playthrough basically every ending in my first playthrough—the game gives you quite a few routes to enough of what you need. The

No one you talked to called it Dadia? That’s what the player I know calls it, and it explains a lot. A cohort of people who have grown up liking games and wanting to play them, where time is a premium, and the financial stability to pay for the conveniences a cloud service provides and the best available internet

It’s not they can’t, it’s the convenience of not having to do it. Like say with downloading/streaming music, the services have low fees are worth it even if some individual effort historically and now would get you the same music.

Damn. Now I wonder where I left my copy of Inazuma Eleven.

I guess it wouldn’t have to be about Walter, like the show, but is there any game that centers a villain like the show that doesn’t have to kind of trick you to playing before doing acts that should make you feel bad? I guess GTA or Spec Ops, but the identification that makes people root for a Tony Soprano or Walter

This seems to be coming up in a lot of responses, so I figure it should be stated up front—yes, a lot of white viewers will default into thinking the leads because of light skin are white. Yes, that’s despite all the details. It’s not all, but it’s a lot. Yeah, it’s a little weird, but in the same way that Piccolo is

I’m glad this isn’t an ill-thought out discussion of appropriation and the like—but I did expect some more connective tissue than just a list.

You think Russia wouldn’t be able to crow that they got a major player out for a minor drug user? I think the media attention amplifies what Griner is worth, so they think they can get more than the opening offer, not that Russia thinks it looks silly.

HH Holmes was the least interesting part of that book. Honestly, I hope he’s sidelined.

I’ll definitely check him out, and for what it’s worth, I’m not endorsing every opinion that Ioffe has, but I think her reporting on this topic has been better than most I read. I’ve certainly read hot takes from her as well.

Conventional wisdom about situations like this says yes, and has been saying that from the start. And at least in the beginning, Griner’s people went along with it, but then felt like the things needed to happen and happen more visibly—and assumed as Americans that levers could magically be pulled that way. Political

I think this undersells how unique the success of the MCU has been. Such a tightly wound and managed selection is kinda unique. And WB also has a rep for wanting their directors to do their thing as a company culture thing—hence signing on to Zach Snyder’s vision for so much. Not only did they stick to the