
Medicare for all.

No. And thing is, you know that. 

...so you’re insignificantly gross?

Not sure if I’m right, but my understanding is that the whole idea of these platform exclusive movies is to get people to subscribe. If people can go see it in cinemas, they may just do that and not subscribe. (I wonder if Glass Onion only appeared in cinemas at all because Rian Johnson required it in his contract

Problem is that’s a good recipe for killing those genres altogether because guess what? Streaming’s not that good a profit generator either! That’s what the studios all found out, the revenue from streaming is weird and unreliable. If Netflix makes a comedy, maybe that contributes to their total subscriptions, maybe

“The premise of Severance is not good enough for a 9-episode, multi-season series, folks. It should have been a movie released in theaters.”

...what? my point was that young people are energized and excited about rep screenings and old movies, are actively seeking them out and learning.

It just boils down to what do I expect/want out of these movies. I mean, “just fine” is really a good level of expectation from an entertainment experience. I’ve also found most of the TV (except Secret Invasion) to be fun and a decent way to spend 45 min a week.

I think we also retroactively look at the pre-Endgame

I don’t think he’s changed at all. To my mind, Scott has always been an excellent director on a technical level, but with little or no idea of what makes for a good story. That results in him choosing a lot of hacky scripts, and while he can still be relied on to direct the hell out of them, the flaws in the writing a

What If? Was a huge disappointment to me.   It was one of my favorite comic series as a kid but the show just didn’t deliver like the comic did.   I also found the animation style to be off putting.  

Yeah, it sounds like he made 20+ movies just for Marvel and now after over a decade he finally makes a non-marvel movie again...while the reality simply is that he hasn’t done a lot of movies lately and Marvel has pretty much nothing to do with it.

I’ve found What If to be thoroughly okay for the most part but I would really rather not just settle for “okay” after 97 killed it. Hopefully Chauncey can bring his A-game.

I loved Gladiator when I first saw it. Yes, it’s definitely more style than substance (and the Republic being restored at the end made me burst out laughing), but that style still made for an entertaining film overall. I still think the cinematography, action and soundtrack (“Now We Are Free” makes me emotional every

Aren’t profilers wrong more often than they're right? 

Most of those filmmakers weren’t trying to get rich, they were just trying to get funding, and that was always doable. They’d make some money on upfront fees, sure, but they’d still supplement with other work, and hopefully make real money with residuals. The movies would make 6 or low 7 figures in specialty theaters,

I’m a huge Wilco fan and even I thought they overdid it with the Wilco drops in the first season. There’s just something so cloying about using a band that’s inextricably linked to Chicago so often in a show set there. “Via Chicago” in that show hits about the same way as “California Dreamin’” does in a scene when

Oh yeah, The Rock - Jumanji, Moana, Fast & Furious, and was given some kind of way-more-than-indie budget for Black Adam. He should definitely be on the list.

I don’t know how I feel about absolving Dakota Johnson of making Dakota Johnson’s choices in movies starring Dakota Johnson. There is something sort of absurd in this article’s position. Are you suggesting in some half-assed way that she is a performance artist, accidentally or purposely? It’s undeniable that actors

I feel like that coffin got nailed shut with an automatic nail gun, given how many shitty superhero movies there have been the last few years. No one film did the deed, a genre that was already feeling oversaturated finally ran out of gas.

DJ is so interesting (this is not a hate post); she’s famous for being famous. I cannot think of a single good movie she’s been in, except Social Network, and that was a pretty skimpy cameo. There’s this gap between her persona and the films she actually makes. Honestly, if you look at Anne Hathaway doing a creepy,