“Perry added other suggestions for strengthening your gag reflex, like brushing your tongue, or placing salt on it to activate the taste buds.”
“Perry added other suggestions for strengthening your gag reflex, like brushing your tongue, or placing salt on it to activate the taste buds.”
That’s not really fair. You’ve never had someone’s demeanor be so off-putting that it made you uncomfortable and made that person seem untrustworthy to you?
We have screenshots of that tool with that name on the title bar of the application.. so you are objectively wrong. It is also ENTIRELY possible that whoever used the bonobo placeholder only knows that term as a piece of software they use leftover from the Bungie years and not as a type of ape. I didn’t know that…
Agreed. All media should be made out of spite. (And thankfully it's kind of already happening.)
How condescending of you, asshole.
Nice trolling. She’s been mostly fine, but her character is terrible and her delivery seems off at times. Hardly MVP material.
“we witness him slowly healing from his burn wounds—in a water tank, it must be noted”
I haven’t seen the ep yet, but is this trolling of the haters? So far I think she’s been fine. (Ewan is the MVP of any Star Wars he’s in).
I haven’t seen Juno since it was first out but I don’t remember thinking “Gee, that pregnant teenager is definitely more androgynous that what’s seen in popular films!”
It was more like “Wow, that nerdy kid got someone to fuck him?”
At the risk of editorializing more than we’re going to editorialize super hardcore here in a minute, we’ll just go ahead and say it: It’s a good thing that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are not married anymore. Whether you believe the testimony of Depp’s side (mostly made up of people directly financially dependent on…
Manwich sounds reasonable, and you sound like an unhinged wierdo.
“Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere”
What Gervais said at the end of his show is not the least bit “baffling”. It is as clear as clear can be: in real life he supports trans rights. This tells us that onstage Gervais is playing a character. Many of our best comedians have comic personas that are far from their normal personalities. Anthony Jeselnik’s…
I do miss when the mexican pizza had black olives on it.
and they’d be right.
“Firstly Jeremy, I didn’t know you were going to make it a race issue, I’m quite disappointed to be honest.”
Welcome to Kotaku?
And there it is. The dumbest, and most dangerous thing, I've read on the internet all day. I don't have a say in this fight, but I do have an opinion. If my opinion differs from yours - regardless of the subject - and you choose to "hound" me for it, I promise you'll have a much worse day than I.
Step 1: Grab goose by neck, directly behind head. Act deliberatively, like you would to grab a crayfish or a frog
Should someone do those things to you if they disagree with your stance on an important issue? Difference of opinion does not mean hate. I have family members on both sides of the debate. The pro life side genuinely sees it as murder and thier religious beliefs drive them to fight against that. I’m not religious and I…
Cavatappi is trendy but doesn’t have surface area at all. I used De Cecco shells. They work wonderfully.