So Louis CK hasn’t been completely shunned by every human on Earth? How dare they? I mean, didn’t the planet get the memo?
So Louis CK hasn’t been completely shunned by every human on Earth? How dare they? I mean, didn’t the planet get the memo?
Here, let’s add another point to the list of why people don’t like the left - the inability to understand that rightfully criticizing one side for being stupid doesn’t mean supporting the other side. Believe it or not, it’s not that difficult to be anti-racist, sexist, etc. and also think that cancelling a screening…
Picture this:
I’m reluctant to share this
Society has extended childhood until age 18. 200 years ago, you were an adult around 13 years old. You were most likely an apprentice learning a trade (or being married off, which is not something I’d like to see return), but you were expected to be a contributing member of society (which is something I’d like to see…
Everything is made with the same 5 ingredients, how is this possible
How is that the same? A statue honors something and people aren’t given a choice to opt-in on it. You have to seek out a tv show on a streaming service.
Isn’t this post missing the obligatory AVclub “he is wrong and stupid” judgement tacked on to the end?
Yes, it seems that a black man dealing in horrific Antisemitism is acceptable for the AVClub staff. Disgusting.
In the age where shitstorms start over a couple of bad taste twitter jokes, the reaction to this cunt’s full-blown antisemitic tirade is waaaaaaaaay too forgiving. Fuck him, fuck Fox and fuck whoever defends him.
Amateurs shouldn’t critique art.
People who dont stand in the middle of the road get hit 0% of the time. True story.
You missed Andy Milonakis’s most recent tweet:
Yes! They flipped the bitch!
I mean....I get think you are being heroes....but you aren’t. You’re just being reactionary children. Do any of you even give one shit about all the incredible things Rowling has done and will continue to do? You did before. Jesus, this very site and all its sister sites couldn’t blow enough smoke up…
A whole bunch of people are going to lose work, and a bunch more work is going to the shitcan because someone has an opinion you don’t agree with. You people are all fucked. Every fucking one of you. Fucked.
A genuine, bona fide piece of shit that spent five years doing what you just called right and empathetic, and, to boot, for poor people who couldn’t afford to hire their own lawyers. You honestly have no frame of reference for a person who’s willing to defend artistic license/vision and constitutional rights with the…
Wouldnt hiring a black actress create the same issue they have with Bell? Or ...are we saying mixed race people are to be defined by whichever half is the minority?
Isn’t the natural and logical extension of this argument that if this biracial female child character was not created and written exclusively by people who either are, or at least were at some point in the past, biracial female children, then it should be scrubbed, and replaced with a biracial female child character…
And they call the act ... The Aristocrats!