Everything in GMG should’ve gone down with the Gawker ship, IMO.
Everything in GMG should’ve gone down with the Gawker ship, IMO.
Coming in with the hot take that’s going to piss a lot of people off, but fuck it -
This makes you the opposite of cynical.
Maybe I’m cynical, but I have trouble believing that we, as a society, can function without any sort of policing whatsoever. If the ultimate answer is that caring about serving your community effectively and justly means resigning from serving as a police officer, doesn’t that just mean that the only police officers…
New? Far from it - been here at least as long as you have. But there’s a far cry from the wit or discussion of, say, Sean O’ Neal’s Newswire and the blog-style end-of statement pieces that have become the trend over the past couple of years.
This is a satire issue (and the limits thereto), not a straight-up blackface issue. The fact that this author fails to account for this is totally emblematic of the decline in the quality of the writing on this site.
Remember when The AV Club would report the news, rather than tell you the specific, exact response you should have to it?
Yeah, how about no. Speed cameras are BS.
Ma’am, Sonic is a hedgehog. This is the kind of racial injustice he has to deal with on a daily basis.
...Shit. I’m going to have to burn my house down now.
Yeah, actually, they did...
To be fair, a lot of the rave reviews seem to carry overtones of moral superiority and suggest that those who don’t find it funny are the shitty people who are the targets of her barbs. In the same way that folks who don’t find it particularly funny can just quietly ignore it and go on about their lives, it’s just as…
Impossible Long Pig here we go...
I’m with you on El Yucateco green habanero. My favorite hot sauce and always have a few bottles in my house and office. I wasn’t that big a fan of the Black Label reserve though.
I understand the concept of “flatten the curve”. My question is what do you do at week 3, 16, and 100? How long do you plan on socially directing people to avoid interaction? And what do we do in the meantime?
In one year, nearly everyone is going to have been exposed to COVID-19.
Woody should have had Moses Farrow write the chapter (if there is one) covering the controversy. Most people still don’t know that one of the other children supports Woody’s story and witnessed that Dylan was coached by Mia Farrow. And because I’m sure the next thing to do is to disparage Moses, he’s a well-adjusted fa…
I’m assuming you’re not a Gen X-er. B/c yes, the greatest products of Western culture are the things Gen X enjoyed when we were kids.
Oh god, PJ Masks is just the worst. Nothing about it holds up beyond a four-year-old’s level of critical thinking. How did the kids become superheroes? Who pays for their equipment and elaborate hideout? How did they learn to drive cars and fly planes? Why is there never anyone else around town other than the…