Headless Body in Topless Bar

I have never heard “director” be called a “thankless role.” Huh.

She wasn’t sleeping with Hugo. He was just a human dildo being used in Eve/Villanelle phone sex.

Tired perhaps, but absolutely on point as about the only thing a Russian gangster would try to keep hidden at all costs. Criminal gangs in general aren’t exactly known for being LGBTI-friendly and neither is Eastern Europe. Combine the two and you get a strong motivation for hiding your fondness for sleeping with

There is no way that Niko can go back to Eve. Every time he looks at her he will see Gemma’s death face inside a plastic bag.

all human adults who can become pregnant or have sex with people who can become pregnant* should know that birth-control pills are taken daily, regardless of whether the person intends to have sex that day. you don’t just “stop” taking them if you’re not getting laid. jesus. [/headdesk]

“This finale is the Dexter of How I Met Your Mother’s own Battlestar Galactica.”

The biggest antagonist through the series was the Iron Throne, and it got the best death.

So much hate in you. I can’t begin to imagine how sad and lonely your days must be for you to wait for nights to watch shows you disdain. 

I don’t think Drogon “went nuts”.  He melted the Iron Throne intentionally, knowing that it was Daenerys’ desire for it that ultimately killed her.

Winner of “Best Game” Award has to go to Bronn. This is a man that started out as nothing but a commoner. He was a sell sword. A nobody. When the game is over, he’s sitting on HighGarden, one of the best castles in all of Westeros, and is Master of Coin on the King’s Council. And all of that without having to fight

It wasn’t that type of movie, but Linus Roache was gorgeous in Priest. 

There is always a comment saying so, but I recommend to complete the Waller-Bridge obsession with her one off “Crashing”. It’s rough compared to Fleabag and some things are cringey, but the foundations on her incredible gift for characters and dialogues are there. Fleabag S2 was the best thing I’ve watched this year.

Haven't seen the episode yet, but in the current political climate I just assume at least half of anywhere is mindless bigots.

I love listening to you assholes whine. Seriously miserable people. 

It was said at the end that the meteorites didn’t cause any of them to act that way. It was a placebo. (In which case I wish they had left out the red eye thing.) The point being that it doesn’t take much for most men to feel like they can let out their aggressions.

You’d expect border patrol not to shoot at anyone without zombie confirmation, as their entire point is that they want to kill zombies. But they’re super willing to murder actual human children.

Definitely one of the better episodes in terms of pacing and run time. It wasn’t anything amazing but it moved quick and kept attention which is more than I can say about a lot of the episodes so far (last week’s was also pretty good at that).

People are going to complain that it is too on the nose and blunt (as they

I watched True Blood until its predictably idiotic ending, but it was only to see how dumb a show can get when the network allows it. It started as a campy, gory and full of nudity vampire show which was a lot of fun, but it descended into a complete lunacy somewhere around end of S4-beginning of S5 (which is where

Amenadiel didn’t actually get an STD. At the end of that episode he was notified over the phone that the test result was a false positive.

The logic isn’t quite airtight. How did Fuches reverse his car into the police car and then switch back into drive when his hands were glued to the steering wheel?