Headless Body in Topless Bar

pretty sure we’ve already seen The Ghost, back in the episode where the guy in the office dies at his desk. granted, we only saw the back of her, but she was obviously posing as a cleaning lady and switched out his coffee cup.

She’s 22, it was her choice, and she owned the scene. She was completely in control in that trist. Did anyone really think that Gendry had any choice? This was Arya taking what she wanted. She’s strong.

The look on her face as “Replay” ends—so uncertain, so nervous—is a sublime example of how a great Twilight Zone can send a chill down the spine, and a shock to the mind.”

Not just the look, but the flashing police lights subtly reflected on her face. I went back and re-watched it twice to be sure, but they’re there.

I mean sure but I know people who haven’t seen them. Plus if you were gonna binge this series some day you might not even know that Short Treks are a thing until after you’ve gone through a couple seasons.

For another, good storytelling rarely tells us what it’s going to do and then does it”

This isn’t very true at all. A lot of really great storytelling does exactly that. If you consider the key to great storytelling as “twists ‘n’ surprises” then yeah, I could see being disappointed in a story that tells you what it’s

Imagine what CBS would be like if Twilight Zone, Star Trek: Discovery, The Good Fight, etc. were the broadcast network mainstays, and the crappy cop shows... well, the hell with even giving them the streaming treatment, they can just go away... Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t work ratings-wise, we live in an

The show’s already been renewed for season 3.
We saw Discovery in the future and now that Po’s showed up, we know the Short Treks, or whatever they’re called are worth something and important.
We know Spock is still alive with Kirk.
We know Pike makes it out of this okay.
We know the Enterprise makes it out of this okay.


Ha I made my comment before reading yours. Still, I think there is a point that a lot of non-theatre fans have probably heard the name Fosse, and not Michael Bennett or Jerome Robbins, even though they’d know A Chorus Line or West Side Story...

So the AI of Control has gone haywire. Clearly the Chief was right for not wanting to use the Cone of Silence.

The longer I read AVClub comment threads about Discovery, the more I root for CONTROL.

“It’s silly, albeit in a fun way”

*ahem ahem* :P Sorry, I wasn’t clear. The concept (there’s no real plot) of Company is that Bobby’s married friends all wonder why he’s still single as he turned 35, which, yes, in 1970 was seen as middle aged. It no longer is and it’s no longer considered particularly odd to be 35 and single (the character of Bobby

I say again: We are watching completely different shows.

Well, I didn’t like Enterprise when it came out. So I moved on with my life like a normal person. I didn’t hate-watch it and then go onto Trek BBS or whatever was around then and whine about it. I didn’t post lamentations that it didn’t live up to some vague standard based on my platonic ideal of Star Trek.

I’ve never commented on one of these reviews before, but I had to thank you for your comment. This particular review was so... everything it was complaining about in the show. It says something, but doesn’t say anything. Take this particular statement:

I don’t mind the criticism. That’s what critics are for. Though I disagree with the critiques that fixate on the show being something different than what you think it should be as a Star Trek show, or how it fits in the continuity.

Another for the “bizarrely angry Discovery review” pile. This one is better at seeming like it’s not a “waaaaah this doesn’t make me feel like TNG made me feel when I was 9" screed than the ones on Reddit, but that’s all this is.

It’s possible he taped the gun there right when he walked out to Janice and that he didn’t suspect her looking him up on Facebook, but suspected her finding out after Gene told the story of his monologue, so he followed her when he saw her snooping around in the middle of the night.

Except, he taped a gun to a tree, so he obviously was not that committed to putting his past behind him.

Do we have to “root” for people to enjoy television shows?