Headless Body in Topless Bar

For me personally, this sort of quieter episode which develops characters a bit more and sets up future plots is what HotD has been missing. Part of what made GoT great in its first few seasons is that it unfolded the plot at a good pace so you cared about the characters when big things happened to them.

Her inevitable death is not in vain, though; her dragon explodes on impact with the ground, wiping out almost the entirety of Criston’s ill gotten army.

Yah, when he finally turns around it is Daemon himself looking back (Matt Smith gone and flat ironed that wig of his)

Literally has the power to solve the world’s problems, but would rather be playing victim instead.

I do t really understand people complaining about satire of current events that's literally on of the purposes of it. Like should have The Watchmen satirized FDR instead of the Reagan era? Zappa satirized Beatniks instead of hippies and his other contemporaries? You can say it's done poorly which is somewhat a matter

Armand is Daniel’s siren in the books as well though the relationship is entirely different. 

To be fair, why is everyone on the show’s case about subtlety. When it took people this long to notice they are satiring stuff or that not everyone guessed the ending to i see dead people. It’s okay to use the trope and not be some Avant Gard take on it. I’d at least wait to see what their cooking till we label the

Homelander can’t see through zinc.  It’s not a stretch to understand that he wouldn’t be able to pinpoint Hughie in the ducts.  Keep up, AV Club.  Jesus, y’all have one job.  ONE JOB!

Funny gag that the Godolkin 4 are shown in a promo for Tek-Knight’s show and are said to have disappeared into “a deep dark hole” with a graphic that looks like an anus.  Lest we forget Tek-Knight’s particular fancies. 

After 9/11 the country banded together. Full on patriotism.”

Anyone who uses the term “TDS” unironically is not a serious person. An idiot, if you will. 

Her plan was basic because basic plans work. She looked BORED doing it. She knows how easy this is. 

(embraces AVClub editorial)

I don’t think she’s “helping” him at all. I think it *looks* like she is, and she wants him to think she is, but she’s going to (for starters) trade him a better head of hair (maybe) in exchange for giving The Deep a lot of ideas he doesn’t need right now about self-respect & his place in the order of things.

It’s Susan Heyward, not Hayward.

Who was talking to MM’s ex wife as if he was the father of MM’s daughter?

I respectfully disagree with a lot of this well written review. Mostly, I do not find it “draining” that the show is inching toward reality during an election year. I think the creators of this show have some relevant things they want to say, and I am all for them using this platform to do it during a crucial time.

As adeptly invoked by Jordan Peele and HBO’s Lovecraft Country, modern life in America is a waking nightmare horror still for all ethnicities but absent-mindedly entitled and oblivious white people who almost never have to fear for their lives at a traffic stop or in their own homes behind locked doors (and even

“Holden’s never heard of Barry Gordy, huh? That’s odd.” Neither have I. I have heard of Berry Gordy though, he’s pretty good.

It took me a second to realize that Syd, the woman leading the ACT UP meeting, is Sophie Von Hasleberg, who is, if memory serves, Bette Midler’s daughter.