Headless Body in Topless Bar

Since I know a lot of readers enjoy the behind-the-scenes moments, here’s how this interview went down:

Elvis Costello is fucking amazing. His work with the Attractions is some of the best music if his era.

Yes, Will needs to learn that the ‘Dismiss’ button is the best feature of Kinja, and it is not used nearly enough by nearly enough people. Why bother arguing with a touchhole like that? Ignore, dismiss, or reply, ‘lighten up, francis.’ But do not actually engage when there is no value to be taken from the “discussion”.

What the flippity fuck are you on about?

“Sorry, Mr. Costello, I have to interrupt this interview in order to mention a lot of arcane Comic Strip trivia or else one dude on the internet is going to be PISSED.”

Awesome: in a last-second bid to up 2017’s descent level of shittiness, I get my very own troll.

“He’s like Avril Lavigne, except instead of skater boys, he sings about dying and shipyards.”
- Stephen Colbert, talking about Elvis Costello, in The Greatest Gift Of All

Not really sure why you’re so up in arms about the fact that I didn’t mention a number of specifics that weren’t relevant to the conversation at hand, but for what it’s worth, I am well familiar with The Comic Strip, having watched the episodes when MTV aired them on Sunday evenings back in the late ‘80s. But the fact

Thank you, that made me giddier than almost anything this season.

I think it’s possible that getting caught was Darlene’s plan.

I enjoyed the episode and I love the characters! I’m definitely happy the show is back. It gives me some laughs and puts me in a happy place.

“Why would the guy send Grace to a bathroom where the antique toilet wasn’t hooked up to anything?”

I liked this episode was pretty funny not their best but still good and much better than the first few episodes. I truly didn’t think the show would work 10 years later for obvious reasons, and after their highly anticipated debut episode I was sure I was right, was so disappointed, but decided to give it a chance and

1. I think you’re lying that you watch the show. What you wrote sounds like you haven’t watched it at all since the first episode, and anyone else who actually has watched the entire revival series so far can immediately pick up on that.

OK, it wasn’t particularly good (to put it mildly) but I still think it was probably better than the average episodes we were getting in the show’s final seasons...

And yeah, the message was way simplistic but I take exception with some of this review. By and large I think you’d have a hard time saying that the average

What is wrong with you? This was delightful!


There’s also the possibility somebody “downtown” sees an opportunity to snap up some more real estate and lets him swing for it instead. It’s a David Simon show, so I’d go 50/50 either way.

Now playing

To me, the opening titles remind me of NYC in the 70's...and bumpers for the late late movie. Anyone else remember this? Edited to add go about 11 seconds in.

You know, its possible she was just contracted for two episodes.